General Knowledge 74 –

General Knowledge 74 –

1 What is cockney rhyming slang for feet -  Plates of meat
2 Which film director was noted for his cameo walk-ons in his own films -  Alfred Hitchcock
3 In what part of the body is the ulna -  Arm
4 What is the name of Jonathan Richman's backing group -  The Modern Lovers
5 Ailurophobia is the unreasoning fear of which creatures -  Cats
6 What colour cap is awarded to England cricketers -  Blue
7 What did Del Boy and Rodney auction for £6 million in an episode of Only Fools and Horses -  A watch
8 What is a male badger called -  Boar
9 Which sport or game was the film The Colour of Money about -  Pool
10 If you are eating Chow Mein what are you eating -  Fried noodles
11 In which area of London are the Abbey Road Studios -  Saint John's Wood
12 Where in England is the reputed burial ground of King Arthur -  Glastonbury
13 Which British motor manufacturer made the Sceptre -  Humber
14 Before Australia was discovered, what was the biggest island in the world -  Australia
15 In America it is called an eggplant, what is it called in England -  Aubergine
16 Internet is the short form of which technical term -  Internetwork
17 Which comedian had the line I told you I was ill in Gaelic, engraved on his gravestone -  Spike Milligan
18 Who was the last man to walk on the Moon -  Eugene (Ed) Cernan Harrison Schmitt was the twelfth man to walk on the moon but Cernan was the last as he climbed into the module last
19 What is the difference between a monk and a friar -  A monk stays in the monastery and the friar goes into the world
20 Who once said on TV "I hope your doughnuts turn out like Fannys" -  Johnny Craddock (Fanny Craddock's husband)

I Am Back, Why Have I Not Posted Recently?

I Am Back, Why Have I Not Posted Recently?



After a long illness my wife Carol passed away 15 months ago. We had been married almost 40 years.

When we met, Carol had two son's and I had three son's to previous marriages. We later had a daughter together.

We had a wonderful life together, but her passing meant that we had to adjust to life without her.

Our children all have their own families now, so that left me alone. Thankfully one of my grandsons is now living with me and is great company.

It's been difficult to find the motivation to get back to working on my websites, but with encouragement from our family, here I am.

It's good to be back.


General Knowledge 73 –

General Knowledge 73 –

1 THE ACHE (is an anagram of which creature) - Cheetah
2 On accepting his Oscar, who said, "Wow! If I'd known that, I'd have put that patch on 35 years earlier" - John Wayne (he won it for the film True Grit)
3 Kristal and Krug are examples of which wine - Champagne
4 In which children's TV series did Dolly Clothes Peg appear - Worzel Gummidge
5 What is the largest city in Scotland - Glasgow
6 Which country singer was known as The Man In Black - Johnny Cash
7 What is the largest breed of terrier - Airedale
8 Which day follows Shrove Tuesday - Ash Wednesday
9 How Is Ethylene Glycol better known - Antifreeze
10 Where is the US Masters Golf tournament always held - Augusta
11 Olympic Airways is the national airline of which country - Greece
12 Which big rock star played the bus driver Eddie in the Spice Girls film Spiceworld - Meat Loaf
13 What was Judi Dench's first TV comedy sitcom - A Fine Romance
14 Alfred Jingle appears in which novel by Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers
15 Four Weddings and a Funeral took which song to the top of the charts - Love Is All Around
16 Who was the last of the 1966 England World Cup winners to play league football - Alan Ball
17 Which of The Bee Gees were twins - Robin and Maurice
18 Whose Sideboard Song was used in a beer commercial - Chas n' Dave
19 Which American TV private detective lives in a caravan, keeps his gun in a biscuit jar and goes fishing with his father - Jim Rockford
20 In horseracing, if all the racecourses in Britain were listed alphabetically, which would come first - Aintree

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