General Knowledge 28

General Knowledge

Quiz 28
1 ACE NOW SAINT (anagram of a scientist) - Isaac Newton
2 What London address is the only one with the postcode: SW1A 2AA - 10 Downing Street
3 Edward (Ned) Maddrell who died in 1974 was the last Briton in the twentieth century to have which language as his native tongue - Manx
4 Which one of Saturn's moons is larger than the planet Mercury - Titan
5 What is the nickname of the Canadian national rugby league team - Wolverines
6 Which birds name is linked to a famous nurse, a radio DJ a film and a song - Nightingale
7 What city is the home port of the Russian Pacific Fleet and the largest Russian port on the Pacific Ocean - Vladivostok
8 In motoring what is the American term for a manually operated transmission - Stick shift
9 What is the full title of the 2017 King Kong film starring Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, and John Goodman Kong: - Skull Island
10 Which 1969 UK number one mentions Picasso, The Aga Khan and Marlene Dietrich - Where Do You Go To My Lovely by Peter Sarstedt
11 Cilla Black's version of which Bacharach and David song was the UK's biggest selling single by a female artist in the 1960s - Anyone Who Had a Heart
12 What is the national flower of Belgium - Red poppy
13 The Merchant Navy flag is called the Red Duster whose flag is the Blue Duster - The Royal Navy Reserve
14 Which Tom Clancy character has been played on film by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, and Chris Pine - Jack Ryan
15 What is the name of the French satirical magazine whose offices were attacked by armed gunmen in January 2015, killing 11 people - Charlie Hebdo
16 Diastema is the medical term for what - Gap between the two front teeth
17 What was the name of the fiery pensioner played by Stephanie Cole in Waiting for - God Diana Trent
18 Who presented the first Oscars - Douglas Fairbanks Snr
19 Which British comedienne's autobiography is entitled 'Look Back In Hunger - Jo Brand
20 Placophobia is the fear of what - Tombstones

General Knowledge 27

General Knowledge

Quiz 27
1 URBAN CHIMNEY (anagram of a football team) - Bayern Munich
2 In motor advertising what does FFSR stand for - Factory Fitted Sun Roof
3 What is the correct name for the ankle bone - Talus
4 Who had a top ten hit in the seventies with Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed
5 According to a 2008 survey what is Britain’s favourite biscuit - Custard cream with bourbons second
6 How does the Bishop of Durham sign his name - Dunelm
7 Who plays the main character DCI Janine Lewis in the TV series Blue Murder - Caroline Quentin
8 What is a third divided by a half - Two thirds
9 Which film star's name is the only one defined in the Oxford dictionary - Mae West
10 Which American state is nicknamed the Big Pineapple - Hawaii
11 According to Yorkshire superstition what happens if you cut both ends off a loaf - The devil would fly over the house
12 For which 1949 film did Anton Karas write and perform the music using a zither - The Third Man
13 What is the only Shakespeare play with an English place name in the title - The Merry Wives of Windsor
14 What kind of instrumentalist would use a hi-hat - Drummer
15 No.1 Blue, No.2 Blue with red stripes, No.3 Green with red stripes. What world syndicated children´s TV programme are we referring to - Thomas The Tank Engine
16 In Spaceballs what does the bumper sticker say on the back of Lonestar's ship - I Love Uranus
17 What has been done to Dartmoor ponies to stop them getting hit by cars - Glow in the dark paint added
18 Yuri Gargarin was the first Russian in space, who was the second - Gherman Titov
19 Which two football clubs located in the South of England play in what is sometimes called the M23 Derby - Crystal Palace and Brighton And Hove Albion
20 What is the capital of Crete - Iraklion

General Knowledge 26

General Knowledge

Quiz 26
1 DEMON WHITE MICE (anagram of a TV series) - Come Dine with Me
2 What is a young elephant seal called - Weaner
3 If you were a chalkie in Australia, what would your job be - A teacher
4 Which county in Northern Ireland is sometimes known as Ireland's Lake District - Fermanagh
5 Who made up the word chortle - Lewis Carroll (Chuckle and snort)
6 What is the skin that peels off after a bad sunburn called - Blype
7 "I met a devil woman. She took my heart away. She said, I've had it comin' to me. But I wanted it that way" are the opening lines to which 1974 song - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
8 Name the USA Gymnastics national team doctor sentenced in 2018 to 40 to 175 years in prison for sexually abusing more than 150 gymnasts - Larry Nassar
9 What institution located in Berkshire, near Windsor in England has been called 'the chief nurse of England's statesmen' - Eton
10 What type of sea creature is a Crown-of-Thorns - Starfish
11 In the Thomas the Tank Engine stories what is the name of the barge - Bulstrode
12 In stamp collecting what is the name given to a horizontal or vertical row of three or more joined stamps - A strip
13 Which Yorkshire born artist painted A Bigger Splash (1967) - David Hockney
14 What colour are the flowers of a tomato plant - Yellow
15 Who, in 1813, famously described his soldiers as "scum of the earth" - The Duke of Wellington
16 Which actor played Abdul in the Beatles film 'Help!' - Warren Mitchell
17 What is the name of the fictional brewery in Emmerdale's Woolpack - Ephraim Monk
18 What was the capital of West Germany from 1949 until 1990 - Bonn
19 Complete the proverb: Ale sellers should not be - Tale tellers
20 Name one of the only two top ten UK hits by Ella Fitzgerald - Swinging Shepherd Blues and Mack the Knife

General Knowledge 25

General Knowledge

Quiz 25 
1. LET CHEAT FIX is an anagram of which cartoon character - Felix the Cat
2. How many strings does a banjelele have - Four
3. Which Roman god was always shown holding a bunch of grapes - Bacchus
4. In adverts who wanted to buy his book on fly fishing - JR Hartley
5. What is the name of Hong Kong's main airport - Chep Lap Kok
6. Which character murdered Bruce Wayne's parents in Batman Begins - Joe Chill
7. Alma, Brown Turkey, Desert King, Italian Black, and Kadota are types of which fruit - Figs
8. Which album in 2013 became the first film soundtrack to top the UK album charts since Evita in 1997 - Les Miserables
9. What is the term used when an article is rejected by the editor - It is said to have been "spiked"
10. What is a person who is said to be dextral - Right handed
11. Lovely Day was a 1978 top ten hit for which American soul singer - Bill Withers
12. Which first lady was known as the Smiling Mamba - Nancy Reagan
13. Who produced Cilla Black's number one hits - George Martin
14. If a man is suffering from diphallic terata what is wrong with him - He has two penises
15. Which American vice president was awarded the Ig-Nobel prize for demonstrating better than anyone else the need for science education - Dan Quayle
16. Which TV comedy pair had a 1963 hit single with At The Palace (Parts 1 and 2) - Wilfred Brambell and Harry H Corbett
17. What is the upper cc limit for speedway motor cycles - Five hundred cc
18. For what would you train at White Lodge - Ballet dancing
19. What is meant by the musical term subito - Immediately
20. What during WW2 was 'Operation Bernard Germany' forging - British banknotes

General Knowledge 24

General Knowledge

Quiz 24
1 - How many candles does a menorah have in all? - 9

2 - What are the two chambers of the Canadian Parliament called? - Senate and House of Commons

3 - Which number in Morse code is represented by five dots? - 5

4 - On which day is Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States? - The fourth (not last) Thursday in November

5 - In mythology, who killed the 9-headed Hydra? - Heracles (or Hercules in Roman mythology)

6 - What is the meaning of the word 'Bible'? - The Books (from the Greek 'ta biblia')

7 - Who historically lives in 11 Downing Street? - The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Second Lord of the Treasury)

8 - What is biblioclasm? - Destroying books usually ceremonially
9 - The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is a cartel of twelve countries which has its headquarters in which city? - Vienna

10 - In mythology, who was the first (and last) person to solve the Riddle of the Sphinx? - Oedipus

11 - According to legend, who was the tallest of Robin Hood's men and the only one with him when he died? - Little John

12 - The Penny Black was the first modern postage stamp in the world but the Penny Red was the first to have what? - Perforations

13 - Tenzin Gyatso was born on the 6th of July 1935 in Qinghai, People's Republic of China. By what title is he better known? - The (14th) Dalai Lama

14 - In the United States, who is second in presidential line of succession after the vice president? - The Speaker of the House of Representatives

15 - What do Aspirin, Dry Ice, Kerosene and Linoleum have in common? - They were all trademarks

16 - SEAT, the car manufacturer, is an acronym of what? - Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo

17 - The Prince of Orange is the title carried by the heir to which crown? - The Netherlands

18 - In which country is the Court of Justice of the European Communities, usually called the European Court of Justice (ECJ)? - Luxembourg

19 - The Antoinette Perry Awards for Excellence in Theatre, are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. By what name are they better known? - Tony Awards

20 - The European Parliament meets in which two cities? - Strasbourg and Brussels

General Knowledge 23

General Knowledge

Quiz 23
1. Dr HUNTS BRIDE (is an anagram of which children’s TV program) - Thunderbirds
2. From which song are thee lyrics taken “I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine” - All I Have To Do Is Dream (The Everly Brothers)
3. Who was the whispering snooker commentator - Ted Lowe
4. What does the workplace flexi-hours acronym TOIL stand for - Time Off In Lieu
5. What did Muhammad Ali call his tactic of lying on the ropes letting his opponent wear himself out - Rope a dope
6. What was the name George Jones backing band - The Jones Boys
7. What modern-day country was originally named New Holland in 1644 - Australia
8. Hanged at Wandsworth prison in 1949 for killing six people how was John Haigh known - Acid bath murderer
9. The first cricket championship game to finish in a tie for 15 years happened in September 2018, which two teams played the game - Somerset and Lancashire
10. In which book and film did Bigwig encounter a fox - Watership Down
11. In America what is a chipwitch - A sandwich of ice cream between two biscuits
12. In Leadville Colorado Oscar Wilde marvelled at a sign that said what - Please don't shoot the piano player he is doing his best
13. What is a cicatrice - Scar
14. What is the collective noun for circuits - Bank
15. You sail a boat, fly a plane, but what do you do with a submarine - Drive
16. In 1992 who was the first man to appear on the cover of the American Vogue magazine - Richard Gere
17. Which entertainment arena is traditionally forty-two feet in diameter - Circus Ring
18. Aegis belonged to Zeus what was Aegis - His shield
19. The informal term nomophobia refers to anxiety from being without one's what - Mobile-phone or no signal
20. What is added to graphite to make pencil lead harder (HH) or softer (HB) etc. - Clay

General Knowledge 22

General Knowledge

Quiz 22 
1. Which pop group were originally called Composition Of Sound - Depeche Mode
2. What colour is oyster a shade of - Pink
3. Who played the part of Crepes Suzette in the film Absolute Beginners - Patsy Kensit
4. What was the first creature on the endangered species list - Peregrine falcon
5. In the Calvin and Hobbes newspaper cartoons what is Hobbes - A (toy) tiger
6. Which soul singer had a hit with It's A Man's World in 1966 - James Brown
7. In the proverb where do all roads lead to - Rome
8. Which country did Harry Daft play football for - England
9. Who played the part of BBC TV's Doctor Who from 1981 to 1984 - Peter Davison
10. In which area of London were the first parking meters installed - Mayfair
11. What are the only armed forces in Monaco - The Palace Guard
12. By what name did we know Alfred Wight - James Herriot
13. Which famous British graffiti artist describes himself as a Quality Vandal - Banksy
14. In place names such as Maldon what does don mean - Hill
15. What colour is bilirubin, a major ingredient of bile - Yellow
16. What is the Latin name for marijuana - Cannabis
17. What was the name of the second city to be hit by an atom bomb - Nagasaki
18. Which 1954 war film was based on Guy Gibson's book Enemy Coast Ahead - The Dambusters
19. By what names were train robbers Mr Parker and Mr Longbaugh better known - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

General Knowledge 21

General Knowledge

Quiz 21
1 MERRY WARDROBE (anagram of an actress) - Drew Barrymore
2 In the language of flowers, what flower stands for amiability - Jasmine
3 What is circling the actual golden globe on the Golden Globe statuette - A strip of film
4 Which now-dead comedian famously called Prince Charles a little grovelling bastard at the 1994 British Comedy Awards - Spike Milligan
5 What Olympic first occurred at the 1968 men’s 100 metres final - First all-black final
6 Who is the new head of the UN in place of Ban Ki-Moon - Antonio Guterres
7 What would your job or profession be if you had SCM - after your name Midwife
8 Which tanker was responsible for the first major oil spillage in the English Channel in 1967 - Torrey Canyon
9 What colour shoes are worn by the Pope - Red
10 Who was the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Saturn - Cronus
11 Who was the first man to appear in an advert for Polly Peck tights while wearing them - Paul O'Grady
12 Mal de mer is the French term for which ailment in humans - Seasickness
13 What You See is What You Get is the autobiography of which British businessman - Alan Sugar
14 What type of food is the Spanish morcilla - Black pudding
15 In the US, where would a busboy work - Restaurant
16 What do the following have in common, Ostrich, Toucan, Kangaroo, Bear, Seal, Pelican, Tortoise, Lion and Kinkajou - All have advertised Guinness
17 Who had the first UK number one instrumental hit - Mantovani
18 What did the Sun ban from page three during 1998 - Topless models with enhanced breasts
19 Which Japanese car manufacturer made the Laurel - Datsun (Accept Nissan)
20 Which city has been known as the Toyshop of Europe - Birmingham

General Knowledge 20

General Knowledge

Quiz 20 - Pen and Ink
This quiz is called Pen and Ink the word pen or ink will be found somewhere in the answer.

1 In Eastenders who did Angie Watts have a brief fling with while Den was in Spain - Tony Carpenter
2 Which building has the largest telephone switchboard in the world - The Pentagon
3 What is the one word motto of IBM - Think
4 What was the world's first antibiotic - Penicillin
5 What is the capital of Finland - Helsinki
6 Which group had a top ten hit in 1971 with Banner Man - Blue Mink
7 Which murderer did Donald Pleasance play in a 1963 film - Crippen
8 In the Wallace and Gromit cartoons what has Wallace's favourite cheese Wensleydale been replaced by - Stinking Bishop
9 What is the name given to the long staff used by people walking in hills and mountains often in Switzerland - Alpenstock
10 Who was the American who was World Speedway Champion in 1982 - Bruce Penhall
11 What are the serrated shears that would be used by a dressmaker called - Pinking shears
12 In Australia a Tim Tam is a biscuit closely resembling which popular UK biscuit - Penguin
13 What is a herd of twelve or more cows called A - flink
14 What village was the setting for Noel's House Party - Crinkley Bottom
15 What is the name of the prospector in the 1999 animated film Toy Story 2 - Stinky Pete
16 What is a Blackwing 602 - Pencil
17 What do retailers call losses of goods due to shoplifting, staff pilfering or mistakes -Shrinkage
18 Name the lead singer with Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes who died in 2010 - Teddy Pendergrass
19 What game would you be playing if you were using a squidger - Tiddleywinks
20 Which French politician formed the National Front in 1972 - Jean-Marie Le Pen

General Knowledge 19

General Knowledge

Quiz 19

1 Who composed Rhapsody In Blue - George Gershwin
2 At which chain of holiday camps were the staff known as Bluecoats - Pontins
3 What was the Norwegian Blue pining for in the dead parrot sketch in Monty Python - The fjords
4 What does the Blue Cross Charity founded in 1897 provide aid for - Animals
5 Which London borough boasts the most blue plaques - Westminster
6 In the original Blues Brothers which legendary recording artist played the owner of a music store - Ray Charles
7 The Lusitania's sister ship held the Blue Riband from 1907 until 1927. What was her name - The Mauretania
8 How many blue triangles are there on a Union Flag - Eight
9 Which blues singer was portrayed by Diana Ross in The Lady Sings The Blues - Billie Holiday
10 Which London police station had a white lamp over the door rather than the traditional blue (Because Queen Victoria complained) - Bow Street
11 On a UK Ordnance Survey map what is shown by a blue star - Major shopping centre
12 Who was the actor who shot George Dixon in the film The Blue Lamp - Dirk Bogarde
13 Where in England is the Bluebell Steam Railway - East and West Sussex
14 After what product did Maddie Hayes call her Blue Moon Detective agency - Shampoo
15 What was Operation Bluebook conducted by the American Air Force in the sixties concerned with - Unidentified Flying Objects
16 What common item is made from Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene and covered with 100% blue wool - Policeman's helmet
17 What was the name given to the blue whale whose skeleton was unveiled in 2017 at the Natural History Museum - Hope
18 In which English county is the famous "Blue John Cavern" - Derbyshire
19 Which element would you find providing a nice blue on an artist's palette - Cobalt
20 The poem Funeral Blues by W H Auden is popularly known by what name - Stop All the Clocks

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