General Knowledge 65 –

General Knowledge 65 –

1 WOMANS TEAM (anagram of an actress) -- Emma Watson
2 What is the name of the plate that connects two lengths of railway track together -- Fishplate
3 Which actor played Hopalong Cassidy -- Bill Boyd
4 Greek singer Nana Mouskouri once sang for which country in the Eurovision song Contest -- Luxembourg in 1963
5 Which is the smallest of the dairy cattle breeds -- Jersey
6 In the novel 1984, in which ministry is Room 101 -- Ministry of Love
7 Where does cod liver oil come from -- A cod's liver
8 What is the collective noun for groundhogs -- Repetition
9 Which comedian went on the Joy of Mincing Tour in 2016 -- Julian Clarey
10 Which word can go before the following to make three new words; Ground, Pedal and Water -- Back
11 Ba is the chemical symbol for which element -- Barium
12 Which TV personality used the catchphrase Shut that door -- Larry Grayson
13 Miss RD Tapscott was the first woman to play at Wimbledon without wearing what -- Stockings
14 Who is the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Pluto -- Hades
15 What meat is the main ingredient in the French dish pot-au-feu -- Beef
16 What trees can be Silver, Noble or Grand -- Birch
17 Which comedian said, "I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas, with a note on it saying toys not included" -- Bernard Manning
18 Which car was advertised with the strap line: 'Safety fast' -- MG
19 Which musical featured the song 'Stranger In Paradise' -- Kismet
20 What type of flower is traditionally given at Easter -- Lily

General Knowledge 64 – freequizuk

General Knowledge 64 – freequizuk

1 FULL FROSTIE (anagram of a film) -- Lust For Life
2 In Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, who was the first historical figure that they met -- Napoleon
3 What is the birth flower for November -- Chrysanthemum
4 What does the publisher Virago specialise in -- Feminist literature
5 In athletics, what is the shortest distance race for which starting-blocks are not used -- 800 metres
6 In Only Fools and Horses, by what name does Trigger always call Rodney -- Dave
7 What was the home town of the group 'Barclay James Harvest' -- Oldham
8 Which super hero vows: "In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight" -- The Green Lantern
9 Which British motorcycle manufacturer made the Leader -- Ariel
10 Which chef’s autobiography is entitled Humble Pie -- Gordon Ramsay
11 What is the name of the coloured oblong cake covered in almond paste -- Battenberg
12 What is the nickname of Ipswich's speedway team -- The Witches
13 What make of car was being advertised on TV using the Hawkwind song, "Silver Machine" -- Mazda
14 What was John Lennon holding in his right hand on the cover of his book 'A Spaniard in the Works' -- A spanner
15 What in e-mail and texting is the meaning of the acronym 'AFAIK' -- As far as I know
16 What is the name of the imperial weight system based on sixteen ounces to the pound -- Avoirdupois
17 Who according to sailors is the evil spirit of the sea -- Davy Jones
18 What is the collective name for Faggots -- Bundle
19 The substances of the Boswellia and Commiphora plants are more commonly known as what -- Frankincense and Myrrh
20 Who won the mens 2022 University Boat Race. -- Oxford


General Knowledge 63 – freequizuk

General Knowledge 63 – freequizuk

1 What is the name given to the people who make sure MPs attend important votes -- Whips
2 Which English county is known as God's Own County -- Yorkshire
3 In which city is Bizet's opera Carmen set -- Seville
4 Which American president abolished slavery -- Abraham Lincoln
5 What is the name of the Metropolitan police chief who resigned last week -- Cressida Dick
6 Which actress played Nurse Sandra May in Carry On Doctor -- Barbara Windsor
7 What Broadway musical was inspired by Cervantes's Don Quixote -- Man Of La Mancha
8 Who was the first jockey to be a team captain on a Question of Sport -- Willie Carson
9 In CB talk what is meant by Crotch Rocket -- Very fast motorcycle
10 In humans traumatic auricular haematoma is the medical term for which sporting injury -- Cauliflower ear
11 What was the Swiss Family Robinson's destination when they were shipwrecked -- North America
12 In which street is London's Tin Pan Alley -- Denmark Street
13 Berlin's Take My Breath Away was featured in which film -- Top Gun
14 In which English county is the TV series Downton Abbey set -- Yorkshire
15 Which lad’s mag which was sold on Tuesdays had the campaign slogan, Women, dont expect any help on a Tuesday -- Nuts
16 As well as being called the morning what other name is given to the period of time before midday -- Forenoon
17 Before leading the Gestapo in WW2, what did Heindrich Himler do for a living -- Chicken farmer
18 Complete the proverb, Many are called -- But few are chosen
19 From which song do the following lyrics come, You placed gold on my finger, You brought love like I've never known, You gave life to our children And to me a reason to go on" -- You're My Best Friend (Queen)
20 SCRAWLER HAND (anagram of a famous historical person) -- Charles Darwin

General Knowledge 62 – freequizuk

General Knowledge 62 – freequizuk


1 Name the three animals mostly associated with the Stock Exchange -- Bulls, bears, and stags
2 Which three chemical elements are magnetic -- Cobalt Iron and Nickel
3 Who were the first three teams to win six FA Cup Finals -- Blackburn Rovers, Aston Villa, Newcastle United
4 What were the first three bands to be labelled Heavy Metal (by Creem magazine writer Lester Bangs) -- Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Black Sabbath
5 What were the first names of Hyacinth Bucket's three sisters in Keeping up Appearances -- Daisy, Rose and Violet
6 What three tartans is the Queen entitled to wear -- Royal Stewart, Hunting Stewart and Balmoral
7 What are the three prizes included in a Nobel Prize -- A gold medal, a diploma and money
8 South Africa is the world's largest producer of which three metals -- Platinum, gold and chromium
9 Which three teams won the FA Cup when the final was held in Cardiff from 2001 to 2006 -- Arsenal (3 times), Liverpool (2) and Manchester United (1)
10 Which three singers with the surname Berry had hits in the sixties -- Chuck, Dave and Mike
11 What are the three terms at Oxford University called -- Trinity, Michaelmas and Hillary
12 In Physics what are the three fundamental states of matter -- Gas, solid and liquid
13 Between 1981 and 1998 who were the three tennis players who were born in Germany to have all won the Wimbledon Men's Singles -- Boris Becker, Michael Stitch and John McEnroe
14 Who were the three original presenters of BBC's Breakfast Time -- Frank Bough; Selina Scott and Nick Ross
15 What are the names of Bear Grylls three sons (bet they won’t thank him when they grow up) -- Jesse. Marmaduke and Huckleberry
16 Which three men sat in the British cabinet in both world wars -- Churchill, Lord Beaverbrook and John Simon
17 Which three planets in the solar system have a smaller diameter than Earth -- Mars, Mercury and Venus
18 In horse racing, which three racecourses stage the five English classics -- Doncaster, Epsom and Newmarket
19 Name all three Kardashian sisters, who were the focus of the TV show -- Kourtney, Kim and Khloé
20 There have been four Norman kings of England, William the Conqueror was 1 one can you name the other three -- William 11 Henry 1 and Stephen


General Knowledge 61 – freequizuk

General Knowledge 61 – freequizuk

1 MICRO SUET (is an anagram of an actor) -- Tom Cruise
2 Often served with chicken what is the name given to a sauce made from white wine mushrooms and shallotts or onions -- Chasseur
3 What magical word is said based on the powers of Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles and Mercury -- Shazam
4 What part of Thomas Wedder's body was seven and a half inches long -- Nose
5 What is the common name for the larvae of the furniture beetle -- Woodworm
6 Who was the first deceased artist to top the album charts -- Otis Redding
7 In cricket how many runs are added for fielding the ball with your cap -- Five
8 What was on offer at Mop Fairs -- Services of farm hands and servants
9 What was the name of the British trawler that was actually a spy-ship that sank in the Bond film For Your Eyes Only -- St Georges
10 Which part of an egg is the vitelus -- Yolk
11 Which TV host flew back from a Barbados holiday in 2019 in First Class, but would only fork out for an economy seat for his new girlfriend -- Jeremy Kyle
12 Which car manufacturer made the Dyane 6 -- Citroen
13 Who was The Beatles manager when they became famous -- Brian Epstein
14 Whose last words were allegedly, oh I am so bored with it all -- Sir Winston Churchill
15 What is the subject of the weekly magazine Kerrang -- Rock music
16 Which English county used to be divided into Ridings -- Yorkshire
17 In the Beatrix Potter stories what type of animal is Mr Pricklepin -- Porcupine
18 Who had an American number one in 1980 with Sailing -- Christopher Cross
19 What does the skateboarding term fakie mean -- Going backwards
20 What letter did the Romans use for a thousand -- M

General Knowledge 60 – freequizuk

General Knowledge 60 – freequizuk

1 ALLOWED SLIM GIANT (anagram of a British politician) -- William Gladstone
2 Which Japanese car manufacturer made the Accord -- Honda
3 Rick Wakeman worked as a backing musician on which David Bowie album -- Hunky Dory
4 In the international code of signals what does Oscar signify -- Man overboard
5 In trampolining what is any triple somersault with a twist called -- A triffus
6 Hodophobia is the irrational fear of what -- Travel
7 In computing what does OCR stand for -- Optical Character Recognition
8 Who played the piano solo on The Beatles' song In My Life -- George Martin
9 Prisoner and Escort was the pilot episode of which TV series -- Porridge
10 What year came before 99 B.C. -- One hundred BC
11 In Scotland what is meant by a teuchter -- Someone that lives in the countryside and the islands
12 What was the name of the Bond girl's character in the film Live And Let Die -- Solitaire
13 What type of transport was Geoffrey Lyons in when he set a world record of 30.4Kmh -- Hang glider
14 What fruit are the pigs that are used in American Virginia ham fed with -- Peaches
15 In British place names what does inch mean -- Island
16 Alicante, Golden Boy and Piranto are types of what fruit -- Tomatoes
17 Which British championship has two sections, conventional and reversible -- National ploughing championships
18 In what game does the New York Institute for the Investigation of Rolling Spheroids specialize -- Marbles
19 What was the first Rambo film called -- First Blood
20 On which river is the town of Keighley -- Aire

General Knowledge 59 – freequizuk

General Knowledge 59 – freequizuk

1 Why was the Noel Edmunds Late, Late, Breakfast Show cancelled -- A contestant was killed while rehearsing for the show
2 Which country and western legend died in March 2020 -- Kenny Rogers
3 Which crime writer wrote the novel By the Pricking of My Thumbs -- Agatha Christie
4 Weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared, equates to what health indicator -- BMI (Body Mass Index)
5 A Black Bengal is a breed of which animal -- Goat
6 What is Brontophobia an irrational fear of -- Thunder and lightning
7 Which notorious pirate was killed off the coast of Virginia in 1718 -- Blackbeard
8 In fashion, Chelsea, Desert, Rigger and Ugg are all types of what -- Boot
9 What is the name of the man who entered the grounds of Windsor Castle armed with a crossbow in December 2021 -- Jaswant Sing Chail
10 In the world of car rallying what does ACM stand for -- Automobile Club de Monaco
11 What is the main spirit used in a Trouser Rouser cocktail -- Whisky
12 What was the name of the madame who allowed luncheon vouchers to be used in payment for sex -- Cynthia Payne
13 In the film The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover what happens at the end -- The thief eats the lover
14 Which Oasis track at the time was the longest single to reach number one in the UK playing over 9 minutes -- All Around The World
15 Who was the Greek god of Heaven -- Zeus
16 Which animator's tombstone has the epitaph That's All Folks on it -- Mel Blanc
17 In which fictitious county is Ambridge the home of The Archers -- Borsetshire
18 What's the national flower of Japan -- Cherry blossom
19 In 2012 what percentage of the UK bothered to vote for their Police and Crime Commissioners (2% either way) -- Fifteen per cent
20 A SIKH SEED LORRY (anagram of an area in England) -- Yorkshire Dales

General Knowledge 58 – freequizuk

General Knowledge 58 – freequizuk

1 SOAR DOWNHILL (anagram of a former prime minister) -- Harold Wilson
2 What are people from Paisley nicknamed -- Buddies
3 As of 2015, what is the minimum age you have to be to open a Facebook account -- Thirteen
4 Who manufactured the sports car racer the Sebring Sprite -- Austin-Healey
5 Who was dropped after the first series of Surprise Surprise -- Christopher Biggins
6 In which country is the Kopparberg brewery, famous for its flavoured ciders -- Sweden
7 Who wrote the lines, "Tyger! Tyger! burning bright, In the forests of the night" -- William Blake
8 A UK school ban of what fairy story was unsuccessful in 2017 -- Sleeping Beauty
9 The process of anodising is usually done with which metal -- Aluminium
10 Which former World Darts Champion was known by the nickname The Limestone Cowboy -- Bob Anderson
11 Which military unit are known as the Kepis Blanc -- French Foreign Legion
12 Which eye complaint is sometimes called pink eye -- Conjunctivitis
13 How many players per side are on the court in an indoor handball game -- Seven
14 Which two cities are submerged in the Dead Sea -- Sodom and Gomorrah
15 Why have Texas prisons banned death row prisoners their last cigarette -- Bad for their health
16 Regarded as the national newspaper of record in the US, which publication is nicknamed 'The Gray Lady' for its staid appearance and style -- New York Times
17 Who said always borrow money from a pessimist he won't expect to get it back -- Oscar Wilde
18 What was the last black and white film in the twentieth century to win the Best film Oscar -- The Apartment 1960 Jack Lemon
19 Associated with 'Blues' music, which instrument is nicknamed a 'Mississippi saxophone' -- Harmonica
20 According to superstition kissing which type of workman on the way to your wedding brings good luck -- Chimney sweep

Christmas Quiz 2021 FreequizUK


Christmas Quiz 2021


1 COORDINATES (Christmas anagram) - Decorations
2 Which British film set at Christmas stars Billy Bob Thornton as the President of the United States - Love Actually
3 In which 1988 film remake of A Christmas Carol, does Bill Murray play a cynically selfish TV executive - Scrooged
4 Gold chocolate coins are sold at Christmastime in honour of which famous person who once gave gold coins to the poor - St Nicholas
5 In The Christmas Song (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire), what are the folks dressed up like - Eskimos
6 Which duo dressed up as Batman and Robin to go to a fancy dress ball on their 1996 Christmas Day Special - Del and Rodney Trotter, (Only Fools and Horses)
7 Why is the robin often depicted on Christmas cards - Legend has it that a robin tried to ease the crown of thorns from Christ's forehead
8 Which reindeer is never mentioned in The Night Before Christmas - Rudolph
9 Who played the drums in Band Aid's 1984 Christmas hit, Do They Know It's Christmas - Phil Collins
10 Which TV show, featuring Glenda Jackson, was the most popular Christmas TV show in 1974 - Morecambe and Wise
11 In the song The Twelve Days of Christmas what ten things did my true love give to me on the tenth day - Ten lords a leaping
12 According to a poll carried out by the Telegraph newspaper what is top Christmas carol in the UK - Hark The Heralds Angels Sing
13 How would a French person wish you a Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noël
14 In what year was the Queen's Christmas message first televised - Nineteen fifty seven
15 Which famous English scientist was born on Christmas day 1642 - Sir Isaac Newton
16 Which country began the tradition of exchanging Xmas gifts - Italy
17 Which crime writer wrote the novel The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding - Agatha Christie
18 In 17th century if you got Christmas clap what have you been given - A kiss under mistletoe
19 Christmas with the Parkinsons was a 1970s episode of which TV series - Butterflies
20 Because of a clever marketing campaign in the 1970s, fried chicken is the number one Christmas dish and a reservation is required at KFC in what country - Japan

Pub Type Quizzes from a Real Quizmaster

Club quiz nightThe Intake Social Club. Cnr. of Sandringham Road and Craithie Road Town Moor. Doncaster

Pub Type Quizzes from Real Quizmasters

Writing a good 'Pub Quiz' is not the easiest thing to do, however Bill Turnbull (my chief quiz writer) and I have over eighty years of experience in writing and presenting pub quizzes between us.

That means we have a good idea what type of questions people expect. In our experience we try to make around half of the questions quite easy. This gives the participants some expectation of doing well and won't (hopefully) complain about the quiz being too difficult. Then we fill the remaining questionaire with gradually more difficult questions. There may be an odd one we don't expect to be answered but are often surprised to find someone has answered it correctly.

A good pub quiz should also be fun and a bit of banter will be appreciated. However the quizmaster/presenter must be sure to announce the questions clearly and precisley.

After each round of the quiz that I'm presenting, I ask if anyone requires any questions repeating. Also I will sometimes offer a clue if I suspect that no-one knows the answer.

Bill and I have several quiz websites that offer FREE quizzes for you to use at your local pub or club, or endeed any venue you like. All we ask is that you repect our copyright and don't publish OUR work anywhere. Thanks, Jim Ackroyd and Bill Turnbull.

You will find a list of our FREE Quiz websites here

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