Lockdown Answers 11 Free Quiz UK

Lockdown Answers 11 Free Quiz UK


1 Which former US president has been recreated as a speaking robot in Disneyland - Abraham Lincoln
2 What is double cream called in the USA - Heavy cream
3 In which American city are the headquarters of the Goodyear Tyre Company - Akron
4 What was Tesco's US 'neighbourhood' grocery chain brand, founded in 2007 with HQ in California called - Fresh & Easy
5 On which river is the American city of Washington DC - Potomac
6 What is the name of the speech given by the American president in January each year - State of the Union
7 The Colorado River flows through which mountain range - The Rockies
8 Which American is shown on the American hundred dollar bill - Benjamin Franklin
9 Which American politician was sometimes referred to as Tricky Dicky - Richard Nixon
10 In which American state is Long Island - New York

Lockdown Answers 10 Free Quiz UK

Lockdown Answers 10 Free Quiz UK

1 PETS SHARES PATHWAY (TV series) - What The Papers Say
2 Which actor married Vivien Leigh in 1940 - Sir Laurence Olivier
3 What was Britain's 1987 Eurovision Song Contest entry sang by Rikki - Only The Light
4 What would your job or profession be if you had FCMA after your name - Accountant
5 What is an apparition or double of a living person called - Doppelganger
6 The Copacabana nightclub was in which American city - New York
7 A Lover's Concerto by The Toys was based on a piece of classical music by which composer - Bach
8 Which drinks company attempted to buy Orangina in the nineties - Coca-Cola
9 Shotts and Dykehead Caledonian have been the World Champions at what many times - Pipe band
10 What has been the strongest cigarette on sale in Britain - Capstan Full Strength

Lockdown Answers 9 Free Quiz UK

Free Quiz UK - Lockdown Answers 9

1 NET MAROON BROTH (TV sitcom) - To The Manor Born
2 Who coached Daniel Day Lewis for his role in The Boxer - Barry McGuigan
3 Who did Johnny Rotten call the Perry Como of Punk - Billy Idol
4 As a hobby what would a scutelliphilist collect - Badges and patches
5 Puffin books is the children's arm of Penguin books, what was their first title - Worzel Gummidge
6 Which breed of dog is also known as a German Mastiff - Great Dane
7 Ridgeview wine comes from which country - England
8 In Coronation Street who did Fred Gee marry in the hopes of getting his own pub - Eunice Nuttall
9 The Girl on the Train dominated the film charts in October 2016 but who wrote it - Paula Hawkins
10 In which 1965 western did Dean Martin and John Wayne play brothers - The Sons of Katie Elder

Lockdown Answers 8

Lockdown Answers 8

1 SIN JOURNALS OK (TV presenter) - Ulrika Jonsson
2 What was the last battle of the American War of Independence - Yorktown
3 What was the first breed of dog to be cloned in Britain - Dachshund
4 Which 1949 comedy film featured Scottish islanders looting a stricken ship laden with Scotch - Whisky Galore
5 In the nursery rhyme what did Curlylocks feed on - Strawberries sugar and cream
6 Who was the first person to congratulate Geoff Hurst on his world cup winning hat trick - Alan Ball
7 What is the rope called that is twisted tightly around the upper lip of a horse to calm it - A twitch
8 What is the name of the Daily Planet's editor in the Superman series of comics and films - Perry White
9 What is the animal on the logo on a Babycham label - Chamois deer
10 What song title links the Everly Brothers, New Order, Heaven 17, and Wet Wet Wet - Temptation

Lockdown Answers 7

 Lockdown Answers 7

1 MAN ON DAFT WHALE (American sit com) - Two And A Half Men
2 Cascade, Mills Mess, Backcross and Tramline Pass are all terms used in which entertainment - Juggling
3 What was the only wine allowed to be cultivated in the USA during the prohibition - Altar wine
4 What song was written for the thirtieth anniversary of the Samaritans - Love Shine A Light
5 What was the name of the spaceship in The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Heart of Gold
6 What would you be doing if you were frendent - Gnashing your teeth
7 How many mythical creatures represent years in the Chinese Zodiac - One
8 By what name was Arsenal underground station known until 1932 - Gillespie Road
9 What nationality was actor Omar Sharif - Egyptian
10 In which English town or city is the HQ of brewers Charles Wells - Bedford

Lockdown Answers 6

Lockdown Answers 6

1 STIR DEVIL HERB (TV sitcom) - The Liver Birds
2 Which Erskine Caldwell book title gave The Nashville Teens a top ten hit - Tobacco Road
3 What was Noel Coward's last film - The Italian Job
4 In which comic does Dennis the Menace appear - Beano
5 What was the original name of Burnley FC - Burnley Rovers
6 In which English holiday resort can you stroll along The Golden Mile - Blackpool
7 What was the former name of Radio Four - The Home Service
8 What was the first cereal to be cultivated by man - Wheat
9 What part of the body can suffer from Labyrinthitis - Ear
10 What is the fastest swimming bird - Penguin

Lockdown Answers 5

Lockdown Answers 5

1 CANNIBAL SNORKEL is an anagram of what U.S. state capital and the state it is capital of - Lincoln, Nebraska
2 Which road in London is associated with book sellers - Charing Cross Road
3 Who showed Princess Anne his cockatoo on her visit to the BBC TV studios in the fifties - David Attenborough (it was his pet )
4 What is the least number of darts needed to score 1001 - Seventeen
5 What was the name of Harold Melvin's backing group - The Bluenotes
6 Which popular 60s film took place in and around 17 Cherry Tree Lane, London, in 1910 - Mary Poppins
7 What does sec mean on a bottle of French wine - Dry
8 Which Paris nightclub was famous for the Can Can - The Moulin Rouge
9 What is the collective noun for furniture - Suite
10 In Roman mythology who killed Remus - Romulus

Lockdown Answers 4

Lockdown Answers 4

1 BERET A HAT (TV series) - Heartbeat
2 Who had a UK number one in 2012 Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love) - Ne-Yo
3 Who lives at 1313 Webfoot Walk, Duckburg, Calisota - Donald Duck
4 What was introduced in the Tour de France in 1919 - Yellow jersey for the winners of each stage
5 Who played Emma Peel in the 1998 film version of The Avengers - Uma Thurman
6 What are cornflakes made from - Maize
7 How old must a horse be before it can take part in a recognised dressage event - Six
8 Started in 1850 what were children's temperance societies called - Bands of Hope
9 Which poet is buried in Grasmere churchyard - William Wordsworth
10 Which officer led the Dambuster’s raid - Wing Commander Guy Gibson

Lockdown Answers 3

Lockdown Answers 3

1 ONLY SCREAM JERK (TV presenter) - Jeremy Clarkson
2 Who was described in Shakespeare as a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy - Yorick
3 What common name was given to those who suffer from kyphosis - Hunchback
4 What type of insect is a katydid - Grasshopper
5 Which street in London takes its name from a croquet-like game once played by Charles 1 - Pall Mall
6 Who backed Paul Evans on his fifties hit Seven little Girls Sitting in The Back Seat - The Curls
7 The Al Jazeera broadcasting organization is owned by and headquartered in what country- -Qatar
8 What corporation owned the brands Snickers, Uncle Ben's and Dolmio - Mars
9 Who won the Oscar for best director for the 1986 film Platoon - Oliver Stone
10 Who was the host of the game show 29 Minutes of Fame - Bob Mortimer

Lockdown Answers 2

Lockdown Answers 2

1 DADDY SOOTHE LOG (TV series) - The Good Old Days
2 In the lyrics of which Burt Bacharach song, what "took you away, away from me" - Trains and Boats and Planes
3 What is the collective noun for terriers - Terror
4 The average human body contains enough fat to make how many bars of soap - Seven
5 Who was the narrator of Little Britain - Tom Baker
6 What bird can be snowy, white winged or wandering - Albatross
7 Which British group had a number one album in 1987 with The Joshua Tree - U2
8 Which unusual World Championships are held every year in Calveras, California - Frog jumping
9 Which punk band stripped a heckler and used his backside for a tom tom in 1982 - The Stranglers
10 Whose catch phrase was "Can you hear me mother" - Sandy Powell

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