General Knowledge 24

General Knowledge

Quiz 24
1 - How many candles does a menorah have in all? - 9

2 - What are the two chambers of the Canadian Parliament called? - Senate and House of Commons

3 - Which number in Morse code is represented by five dots? - 5

4 - On which day is Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States? - The fourth (not last) Thursday in November

5 - In mythology, who killed the 9-headed Hydra? - Heracles (or Hercules in Roman mythology)

6 - What is the meaning of the word 'Bible'? - The Books (from the Greek 'ta biblia')

7 - Who historically lives in 11 Downing Street? - The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Second Lord of the Treasury)

8 - What is biblioclasm? - Destroying books usually ceremonially
9 - The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is a cartel of twelve countries which has its headquarters in which city? - Vienna

10 - In mythology, who was the first (and last) person to solve the Riddle of the Sphinx? - Oedipus

11 - According to legend, who was the tallest of Robin Hood's men and the only one with him when he died? - Little John

12 - The Penny Black was the first modern postage stamp in the world but the Penny Red was the first to have what? - Perforations

13 - Tenzin Gyatso was born on the 6th of July 1935 in Qinghai, People's Republic of China. By what title is he better known? - The (14th) Dalai Lama

14 - In the United States, who is second in presidential line of succession after the vice president? - The Speaker of the House of Representatives

15 - What do Aspirin, Dry Ice, Kerosene and Linoleum have in common? - They were all trademarks

16 - SEAT, the car manufacturer, is an acronym of what? - Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo

17 - The Prince of Orange is the title carried by the heir to which crown? - The Netherlands

18 - In which country is the Court of Justice of the European Communities, usually called the European Court of Justice (ECJ)? - Luxembourg

19 - The Antoinette Perry Awards for Excellence in Theatre, are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. By what name are they better known? - Tony Awards

20 - The European Parliament meets in which two cities? - Strasbourg and Brussels

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