General Knowledge 73 –
1 THE ACHE (is an anagram of which creature) - Cheetah
2 On accepting his Oscar, who said, "Wow! If I'd known that, I'd have put that patch on 35 years earlier" - John Wayne (he won it for the film True Grit)
3 Kristal and Krug are examples of which wine - Champagne
4 In which children's TV series did Dolly Clothes Peg appear - Worzel Gummidge
5 What is the largest city in Scotland - Glasgow
6 Which country singer was known as The Man In Black - Johnny Cash
7 What is the largest breed of terrier - Airedale
8 Which day follows Shrove Tuesday - Ash Wednesday
9 How Is Ethylene Glycol better known - Antifreeze
10 Where is the US Masters Golf tournament always held - Augusta
11 Olympic Airways is the national airline of which country - Greece
12 Which big rock star played the bus driver Eddie in the Spice Girls film Spiceworld - Meat Loaf
13 What was Judi Dench's first TV comedy sitcom - A Fine Romance
14 Alfred Jingle appears in which novel by Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers
15 Four Weddings and a Funeral took which song to the top of the charts - Love Is All Around
16 Who was the last of the 1966 England World Cup winners to play league football - Alan Ball
17 Which of The Bee Gees were twins - Robin and Maurice
18 Whose Sideboard Song was used in a beer commercial - Chas n' Dave
19 Which American TV private detective lives in a caravan, keeps his gun in a biscuit jar and goes fishing with his father - Jim Rockford
20 In horseracing, if all the racecourses in Britain were listed alphabetically, which would come first - Aintree