Guest Writers – Joe Donnelly 3

Guest Writers - Joe Donnelly 3

Round 1

1 The Mystic river flows into what city’s harbor - Boston
2 In the children’s tv series, what is the name of Bob the Builder’s cat - Pilchard
3 What is the main ingredient of the soup Shchi - Cabbage
4 Which is the second longest river in Africa - Congo
5 Who Was the 1st Englishman to sail around the world in 1580 - Sir Francis Drake
6 Nicholas Breakspear, born in the 12th Century, was the first English what - Pope (Adrian)
7 Which of the Two Ronnies was the older - Ronnie Barker (1929)
8 Alcock & Brown made the 1st transatlantic flight in 1919 in what country did they land - Ireland (Clifton Galway)
9 In Greek mythology, Boreas, Eurus, Notus and Zephryus were all what - Winds
10 What word can go before Able Hole and Ray - Port

Round 2

1 The Winter War from 1939/1940 was a military conflict between Russia and which other country - Finland
2 How many times zones does Russia have - 11
3 What is the anagram of CANADA SIN VIN - Scandinavian
4 Malmsey is a type of which alcoholic drink - Fortified Wine
5 What is the Russian name for the sturgeon of the Black and Caspian seas - Beluga
6 There are four posts in a boxing ring how many are white - 2
7 Port Au Prince is the capitol of which country - Haiti
8 The fictional character Hello Kitty is missing what facial feature - Mouth
9 Where do Monegasques (Mon-I Gask) live - Monaco
10 Which countries flag consist of a red background and a white crescent and star - Turkey

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