Here we are in yet another lockdown due to the covid pandemic

Here we are in yet another lockdown due to the covid pandemic.

We have to adhere to the regulations the government have put in place to keep us safe. Here at and our other Free Quiz websites, we are doing our best to help you pass the time. All of our sites have many hundreds of quizzes to help you beat the boredom of having to stay at home.
By using Apps such as Zoom, you can easily set up a family Quiz Night for members of your family and indeed your friends. You will find all the questions you need either on this site or one of our other websites. You can find links to our other websites here: Our Network of FREE Quiz Sites.

Easy Quizzes

Easy Quizzes

Easy Quizzes

For various reasons we have had many requests for 'Easy Quizzes'. Some of the requests were:

Can you give us some fun easy quiz questions and answers for our scout group?
We are looking for easy quiz questions for the elderly, can you help us please?
'We would like some easy general knowledge quiz questions please.'
We would like some easy pub quiz type questions for our coffee mornings if possible?
We are trying to find some easy quiz questions for kids to add to our resources. Thanks?

And the list goes on. So we have decided to add a new Category, 'Easy Quizzes'. We hope you like it and indeed make use of it. Enjoy.

P.S. We will always try to help with requests for any type of quiz.


Welcome blog

Welcome to our new website. We hope you enjoy this new format.

Our aim is to provide you with great questions to enhance your family or pub quizzes.

If you like our site, please tell your friends, if not please tell us so we can improve it. You can send us a message using our contact form here. Please do not use this form for SEO offers or any type of commercial requests.

If you should find any errors and /or omissions, please let us know so we can correct them ASAP. Thanks

Hoping you find our website useful,

Jim Ackroyd and Bill Turnbull

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