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A Few Interesting Facts About the Humble Pub Quiz
Pub quizzes (also clubs and other venues) are often weekly events and will have an advertised start time, most often in the evening.
While specific formats vary, most pub quizzes involve written answers to questions which are distributed in written form or announced by a quizmaster.
One format for quizzing is called "infinite bounce". This format is generally used when the number of teams in the quiz is large – usually around 8–10. Every question is addressed to the team succeeding the team that answered the previous question. If no team answers the question, the next question is addressed to the team succeeding the team to whom the previous question was addressed.
Generally someone (either one of the bar staff or the person running the quiz) will come around with pens and quiz papers, which may contain questions or may just be blank sheets for writing the answers. A mixture of both is common, in which case often only the blank sheet is to be handed in. Usually a team hands their answers in for marking to the quiz master or to the next team along.
In some cases, the papers are marked by the quizmaster. Alternatively, teams may have to mark their own answers and the handed-in papers are consulted only to check that prize claimants have not cheated by altering their answers. Another method is to have teams swap papers before marking, though this can be divisive.
One or two points are scored for each correct answer; some quizzes allow half marks for "nearly right" answers (such as a celebrity's surname when their full name was required). In some quizzes, certain questions score higher marks, particularly if they are unusually difficult
Frankly, why bother cheating! If you win a quiz by cheating, you are no better than a thief.
With the mass use of mobile phones and mobile internet access, cheating has become a problem for some pub quizzes, with covert calls and texts made in the toilets, recent newspapers and magazines brought along especially for the event, ringers and so on. Though a maximum number of members set for teams may help to prevent large numbers of people collaborating, groups posing as several distinct teams are quite common. Some quizzes now ban the use of mobiles and nullify the score of any team found to be cheating. Though more prevalent where large sums of money are at stake, cheating can be observed even for relatively low stakes.