General Knowledge 69 –

General Knowledge 69 –


1 LAST CRAZY THEME (ANAGRAM OF A TV programme) - The Crystal Maze
2 What sport was the subject of the 1974 film Dirty Mary Crazy Larry - NASCAR racing
3 Which band had a number one in 1961 with You're Driving Me Crazy - The Temperance Seven
4 From which state does the American beer Crazy Horse come - Wisconsin
5 When Cameras Go Crazy was the official biography of which band - Culture Club
6 How were Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor dressed when they were arrested in the film Stir Crazy - As chickens
7 Which football team were nicknamed 'The Crazy Gang' - Wimbledon FC
8 The Windmill, Caterpillar and Crazy Legs are movements in which type of dance - Breakdance (accept Street dance)
9 Which former England football international was nicknamed Crazy Horse - Emlyn Hughes
10 Of which Red Indian tribe was Crazy Horse a chief - Sioux
11 Which eccentric musician was known as Crazy Diamond - Syd Barrett
12 An American would call it the crazy bone, what would we call it - Funny bone
13 What was the original name of the Goon Show - Crazy People
14 What wild flower in the Cotswold region is known as Crazy - Creeping buttercup
15 In which capital city is the famous Crazy Horse Saloon that was famous for its Apache dancers - Paris
16 In which golfing world championship event staged in the Netherlands in 1999 did three of the competitors go round in eighteen strokes - Crazy golf
17 Let me see if I get this straight, in order to be grounded I've got to be crazy and I must be crazy to keep flying, but if I ask to be grounded that means I'm not crazy and have to keep flying is a quote from which novel and film - Catch-22
18 Who won the Best Actor Oscar in 2009 for his part as Bad Blake in Crazy Heart - Jeff Bridges
19 What type of bear is Crazy Keith in the children’s TV series Bear Behaving Badly - Koala
20 Fact or Fib, Crazy Cryptics and Star Sign were all parts of which nineties game show - Takeover Bid
21 Who wrote the song Crazy, made famous by Patsy Cline - Willie Nelson
22 In the US TV show The Sopranos, what is the name of the club in Long Beach, New Jersey, in which Christopher set Adriana up as manageress - Crazy Horse
23 What biscuit was advertised with Joe Brown singing the jingle to the tune of What a Crazy World We're Living In - Burton's Bingo caramel bar
24 In 2005, what the best-selling ring-tone in the world - The Crazy Frog
25 Where did the music group 36 Crazy Fists take their name - Jackie Chan film The 36 Crazy Fist

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