General Knowledge 74 –

General Knowledge 74 –

1 What is cockney rhyming slang for feet -  Plates of meat
2 Which film director was noted for his cameo walk-ons in his own films -  Alfred Hitchcock
3 In what part of the body is the ulna -  Arm
4 What is the name of Jonathan Richman's backing group -  The Modern Lovers
5 Ailurophobia is the unreasoning fear of which creatures -  Cats
6 What colour cap is awarded to England cricketers -  Blue
7 What did Del Boy and Rodney auction for £6 million in an episode of Only Fools and Horses -  A watch
8 What is a male badger called -  Boar
9 Which sport or game was the film The Colour of Money about -  Pool
10 If you are eating Chow Mein what are you eating -  Fried noodles
11 In which area of London are the Abbey Road Studios -  Saint John's Wood
12 Where in England is the reputed burial ground of King Arthur -  Glastonbury
13 Which British motor manufacturer made the Sceptre -  Humber
14 Before Australia was discovered, what was the biggest island in the world -  Australia
15 In America it is called an eggplant, what is it called in England -  Aubergine
16 Internet is the short form of which technical term -  Internetwork
17 Which comedian had the line I told you I was ill in Gaelic, engraved on his gravestone -  Spike Milligan
18 Who was the last man to walk on the Moon -  Eugene (Ed) Cernan Harrison Schmitt was the twelfth man to walk on the moon but Cernan was the last as he climbed into the module last
19 What is the difference between a monk and a friar -  A monk stays in the monastery and the friar goes into the world
20 Who once said on TV "I hope your doughnuts turn out like Fannys" -  Johnny Craddock (Fanny Craddock's husband)

I Am Back, Why Have I Not Posted Recently?

I Am Back, Why Have I Not Posted Recently?



After a long illness my wife Carol passed away 15 months ago. We had been married almost 40 years.

When we met, Carol had two son's and I had three son's to previous marriages. We later had a daughter together.

We had a wonderful life together, but her passing meant that we had to adjust to life without her.

Our children all have their own families now, so that left me alone. Thankfully one of my grandsons is now living with me and is great company.

It's been difficult to find the motivation to get back to working on my websites, but with encouragement from our family, here I am.

It's good to be back.


General Knowledge 73 –

General Knowledge 73 –

1 THE ACHE (is an anagram of which creature) - Cheetah
2 On accepting his Oscar, who said, "Wow! If I'd known that, I'd have put that patch on 35 years earlier" - John Wayne (he won it for the film True Grit)
3 Kristal and Krug are examples of which wine - Champagne
4 In which children's TV series did Dolly Clothes Peg appear - Worzel Gummidge
5 What is the largest city in Scotland - Glasgow
6 Which country singer was known as The Man In Black - Johnny Cash
7 What is the largest breed of terrier - Airedale
8 Which day follows Shrove Tuesday - Ash Wednesday
9 How Is Ethylene Glycol better known - Antifreeze
10 Where is the US Masters Golf tournament always held - Augusta
11 Olympic Airways is the national airline of which country - Greece
12 Which big rock star played the bus driver Eddie in the Spice Girls film Spiceworld - Meat Loaf
13 What was Judi Dench's first TV comedy sitcom - A Fine Romance
14 Alfred Jingle appears in which novel by Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers
15 Four Weddings and a Funeral took which song to the top of the charts - Love Is All Around
16 Who was the last of the 1966 England World Cup winners to play league football - Alan Ball
17 Which of The Bee Gees were twins - Robin and Maurice
18 Whose Sideboard Song was used in a beer commercial - Chas n' Dave
19 Which American TV private detective lives in a caravan, keeps his gun in a biscuit jar and goes fishing with his father - Jim Rockford
20 In horseracing, if all the racecourses in Britain were listed alphabetically, which would come first - Aintree

General Knowledge 72 –

General Knowledge 72 –

1 Which American actress who died in 1989 was nominated for ten Oscars and won two -- Bette Davis
2 FROG is a NATO name for a Russian weapon what does FROG stand for -- Free Rocket Over the Ground
3 Who had a number one in the fifties with 'Yes Tonight Josephine' -- Johnny Ray
4 In Downton Abbey Lady Edith decided to help the war effort by driving a tractor for local farmer, John Drake, but why was the job short-lived -- The farmer’s wife saw them kissing
5 Which American actor accompanied Martin Bell on his 1997 Election campaign -- David Soul
6 Who were the first married couple to serve in a British Parliamentary Cabinet -- Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper
7 Which commentator said answers on a postcard please the winner will be the first one opened -- Brian Moore
8 How many times was Marilyn Monroe nominated for an academy award -- None
9 What river is spanned by Thorp Arch Bridge in West Yorkshire -- Wharfe
10 What's the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men -- Prostate cancer
11 What colour is the badge of the Open University -- Blue
12 In 1961 Granada TV prepared a TV documentary on TV censorship why was it never shown -- It was banned
13 What were 8 inches in 1971, 5¼ inches in 1976 and 3½ inches in 1983 -- Floppy disks
14 Sugar Belle is a variety of which fruit -- Tangerine or Mandarin
15 Lyrics (Name The Song): 'The Salvation Army band played and the children drank lemonade' -- Life In a Northern Town Dream Academy
16 Thomas Wall of London manufactured the first wrapped blocks of ice cream in the 1920's and sold them from tricycles in the street, what was the slogan on the front of the tricycles -- Stop Me and Buy One
17 What was the name of the first British magazine devoted wholly to motor cars, first published in 1895 and was still going strong in 2002 -- Autocar
18 In Disney`s 'The Incredible Journey' what type of dog was Badger -- Bull terrier)
19 Name the rock singer who is known as The Groover from Vancouver -- Bryan Adams
20 Who wrote 'The Night Manager' -- John le Carre


General Knowledge 71 –

General Knowledge 71 –

1 Who recorded the album American Fool in 1982 -- John Cougar Mellencamp
2 Calypso is a variety of which fruit -- Strawberry
3 Who had an eighties number one with Shaddap You Face -- Joe Dolce Music Theatre
4 What would you expect to find in a sarcophagus -- A corpse
5 In musicals which fictional professor lived at Wimpole Street -- Henry Higgins
6 Who was the fourth wife of Henry V111 -- Anne of Cleves
7 Which famous cowboy star was killed in a 1942 fire at the Coconut Grove nightclub in Boston -- Buck Jones
8 Who wrote a regular newspaper column under the alias the Wednesday Witch -- Anne Robinson
9 Which country withdrew from NATO in 1966 -- France
10 Which of the bridges over the Thames can be raised to allow shipping to pass through -- Tower Bridge
11 In Benidorm what is the name of Geoff (The Oracle) Maltby's mother who he is on holiday with -- Noreen
12 Which English artist painted A Fight in 1935 -- LS Lowry
13 What is the most popular team sport in the Philippines -- Basketball
14 What is the Scottish term for a sea estuary -- Firth
15 From which country does Cape North vodka originate -- Sweden
16 Which company advertised with the slogan: It could be you -- National Lottery
17 In which children's story did Mr and Mrs Dearly live in the outer circle of Regent's Park with Pongo and Missus -- 101 Dalmations
18 What year was the first VCR made -- Nineteen fifty six
19 The electric light was the first available electrical product what was second -- Electric oven
20 Who was the Dickie in the sixties sitcom 'A Present For Dickie', which flopped so badly it finished his career as a sitcom character and had to make a living back on the stage -- Dickie Henderson

General Knowledge 70 –

General Knowledge 70 –

1 In the latest driving test how many minor faults now means automatic failure -- Fifteen
2 What brewery makes the beer drank in The Archers -- Shires
3 Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, in which country is Waterloo -- Belgium
4 Which Frank Sinatra song is forbidden to be heard in many US hospitals -- My Way (and now, the end is near etc)
5 In Cornish folk law what type of creature was Blunderbore -- Giant
6 What would be collected by an Aerophilatelist -- Airmail Stamps
7 In which South American country is the port of Barranquilla -- Colombia
8 From which film is this quote taken “You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons” -- Blazing Saddles
9 Who starred in and sang the theme song for Hi-De-Hi -- Paul Shane
10 In Roseanne what was the home town of the Connor family -- Landford
11 What is the name of the cowboy in Toy Story -- Woody
12 Alabama Rot is an often terminal disease particularly afflicting which breed of dog -- Greyhounds
13 In which English county is Windermere -- Cumbria
14 Howard Brown fronted which bank/building society's TV adverts until 2008 -- Halifax
15 In medicine what is the name of the system that uses sound waves to form a picture of internal tissues -- Ultrasound
16 Released posthumously in 1959, which Australian actor's autobiography was titled My Wicked, Wicked Ways -- Errol Flynn
17 What was New York's magazine Broadside concerned with -- Folk Music
18 From which musical does the song What Kind of Fool Am I come -- Stop The World I Want to Get Off
19 What connects Mrs Peel, Mrs Gale and Mrs King -- The Avengers
20 JILL HOGS VERNON is an anagram of what 18th century fictional character -- Long John Silver

British Buses & Trams

General Knowledge 69 –

General Knowledge 69 –


1 LAST CRAZY THEME (ANAGRAM OF A TV programme) - The Crystal Maze
2 What sport was the subject of the 1974 film Dirty Mary Crazy Larry - NASCAR racing
3 Which band had a number one in 1961 with You're Driving Me Crazy - The Temperance Seven
4 From which state does the American beer Crazy Horse come - Wisconsin
5 When Cameras Go Crazy was the official biography of which band - Culture Club
6 How were Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor dressed when they were arrested in the film Stir Crazy - As chickens
7 Which football team were nicknamed 'The Crazy Gang' - Wimbledon FC
8 The Windmill, Caterpillar and Crazy Legs are movements in which type of dance - Breakdance (accept Street dance)
9 Which former England football international was nicknamed Crazy Horse - Emlyn Hughes
10 Of which Red Indian tribe was Crazy Horse a chief - Sioux
11 Which eccentric musician was known as Crazy Diamond - Syd Barrett
12 An American would call it the crazy bone, what would we call it - Funny bone
13 What was the original name of the Goon Show - Crazy People
14 What wild flower in the Cotswold region is known as Crazy - Creeping buttercup
15 In which capital city is the famous Crazy Horse Saloon that was famous for its Apache dancers - Paris
16 In which golfing world championship event staged in the Netherlands in 1999 did three of the competitors go round in eighteen strokes - Crazy golf
17 Let me see if I get this straight, in order to be grounded I've got to be crazy and I must be crazy to keep flying, but if I ask to be grounded that means I'm not crazy and have to keep flying is a quote from which novel and film - Catch-22
18 Who won the Best Actor Oscar in 2009 for his part as Bad Blake in Crazy Heart - Jeff Bridges
19 What type of bear is Crazy Keith in the children’s TV series Bear Behaving Badly - Koala
20 Fact or Fib, Crazy Cryptics and Star Sign were all parts of which nineties game show - Takeover Bid
21 Who wrote the song Crazy, made famous by Patsy Cline - Willie Nelson
22 In the US TV show The Sopranos, what is the name of the club in Long Beach, New Jersey, in which Christopher set Adriana up as manageress - Crazy Horse
23 What biscuit was advertised with Joe Brown singing the jingle to the tune of What a Crazy World We're Living In - Burton's Bingo caramel bar
24 In 2005, what the best-selling ring-tone in the world - The Crazy Frog
25 Where did the music group 36 Crazy Fists take their name - Jackie Chan film The 36 Crazy Fist

General Knowledge 68 –

General Knowledge 68 –

1. In what year did Princess Diana die -- 1997
2. Who did Lisa Marie Presley marry in 1994 -- Michael Jackson
3. Palermo is the capitol of which island -- Sicily
4. Whom did Timothy Laurence marry in 1989 -- Princess Anne
5. What is the only nonexistent animal on a Chinese calendar -- Dragon
6. What is the principal mountain range of Mexico -- Sierra Madre
7. The Scottish Grand National is run over which course -- Ayr
8. French Guiana is part of which continent -- South America
9. On which American state's flag does the (British) Union Flag appear -- Hawaii
10. The Sargasso Sea is part of which ocean -- Atlantic
11. What was Mickey Mouse's original name -- Mortimer
12. What is French Somaliland now known as -- Djibouti
13. Who was the first man to set foot on all five continents -- Capt. James Cook
14. What is the holiest city of Islam -- Mecca
15. Which UK indie rock band take their name from a S African football team -- Kaiser Chiefs
16. In what part of the body would you find the pituitary gland -- Brain
17. Who is the mother of the late queens eldest grandchild -- Princess Anne
18. In which London park is there a statue of Peter Pan -- Kensington Gardens
19. In 1938 which steam locomotive set a speed record of 126 mph -- The Mallard
20. What is the anagram of ORGANIC EATON ( Clue: Age related) -- Octogenarian

General Knowledge 67 –

General Knowledge 67 –

1 Which beer was advertised by Harry Enfield -- Worthington
2 Lyrics: 'You never close your eyes anymore', is the first line of which classic 60's song -- You've Lost That Loving Feeling
3 In which Bond film did he tip his Mustang onto two wheels to drive down a narrow alley -- Diamonds are Forever
4 In which English city was Rowntrees based -- York
5 What is the capital of the Spanish region of Catalonia -- Barcelona
6 Which group released an album in 1986 entitled The Queen is Dead -- The Smiths
7 How many of the Bronte sisters lived past their 40th birthday -- None
8 What is the main spirit in a Hoots Mon cocktail -- Whisky
9 Of the 20 largest hotels in the world 19 are in which city -- Las Vegas
10 In which conflict did the first helicopter assault from the sea take place -- Anglo French landings at Suez 1956
11 Who had a hit in 1963 with 'Limbo Rock' -- Chubby Checker
12 According to folklore rubbing with snow will cure what ailment -- Chilblains
13 Which word links Base, Room and Basket -- Ball
14 Which car manufacturer made the Fusion -- Ford
15 Who was the first female Poet Laureate (2009) -- Carol Ann Duffy (2009)
16 Which country was Adolf Eichmannn living in when the Israelis captured him and took him back to stand trial -- Argentina
17 What is the largest denomination of Euro note -- Five hundred Euros
18 On which LP cover can we read the words: 'Welcome The Rolling Stones' -- Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
19 What was the name of the drummer in The Muppet Show -- Animal
20 ANY ROUGH TEAT is an anagram of a seventies song -- Young At Heart


Heritage Trams; Buses & More


General Knowledge 66 –

General Knowledge 66 –

The Temple Bar - Dublin

1 SOD DIARY (anagram of an American actress and singer) -- Doris Day
2 Which district of London gave its name to the Prime Meridian -- Greenwich
3 What type of card game is Klondike Bob -- Poker
4 Which American singer said, "I knew that with a mouth like mine I just had to be a star or something" -- Barbra Streisand
5 What was the Norse god Thor's hammer made from -- Stone
6 What is the more common name for the rifle designated AR-18 -- Armalite
7 Who recorded an album titled Whoa Nelly -- Nelly Furtado
8 What are the two ingredients of the drink that Mexicans call a Submarino -- Beer and Tequila
9 What is the collective noun for chamois -- Herd
10 In which TV sitcom did the character Tony Smart appear -- Men Behaving Badly
11 What is the hawse hole in the side of a ship for -- Anchor chain
12 Complete the proverb, never test the depth of the water -- With both feet
13 Who had a hit in the two thousands with 'Jenny from the Block' -- Jennifer Lopez
14 Who was the third man to walk on the Moon -- Charles Peter Conrad
15 Who insisted that Gary Cooper play Alvin York in the film Sergeant York -- Alvin York
16 To which instrument does an orchestra normally tune -- Oboe
17 What did the band The Coventry Automatics become -- The Specials
18 What is the name of the scarecrow at Lords cricket ground -- Old Jem
19 What is the only bird that can see blue -- Owl
20 Which Scots actor is known in the tabloid papers such as the Daily Record as Big Tam -- Sean Connery

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