1 NETS NAÏVE LADY - Valentine’s Day
2 Where did Saint Valentine come from - Rome
3 Who had a number one in the fifties with Finger Of Suspicion - Dickie Valentine
4 In which year did Charles, Duke of Orleans, send the first known Valentine's card - 1415
5 Which actress married Dennis Quaid on Valentine's Day in 1991 - Meg Ryan
6 What store caused an eco-rage in January 2019 for its “gift of nothing” as a Valentine's present - Poundland
7 Which British institution was nationalised on Saint Valentine's Day 1946 The - Bank of England
8 Whose gang members were killed in the Saint Valentine's day massacre - Bugsy Morans
9 In 1537, which English King declared February 14 the holiday of St. Valentine's Day - Henry V11
10 Which famous building in New York lights up a red heart each St Valentine's Day - Empire state building
11 Which UK hospital accepted its first patient, 3 ½ year old Eliza Armstrong on St. Valentines Day 1852 - Great Ormond Street
12 Who was the lead guitarist in the Newcastle band The Animals - Hilton Valentine
13 Who played Gidget in the film Gidget Grows Up - Karen Valentine
14 Amusingly, in some US states, St. Valentine's day is often referred to as "SAD". What does "SAD" stand for - Singles Awareness Day
15 Nowadays we give chocolates, etc to our loved-ones on Valentine's day. What was given before this modern tradition - A pair of gloves, symbolising the want for the hand in marriage
16 What did The Man In Black Valentine Dyall choose as his luxury item on Desert Island Discs - Trumpet
17 Saint Valentine is the saint of Courtly Love, but what else is he the patron saint of - Epilepsy
18 Which group joined Girlschool on The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre - Motorhead
19 What is the title of the 1975 film in which a party of schoolgirls are on a day out on St Valentine's Day in 1900 where three girls and their teacher go missing - Picnic At Hanging Rock
20 Who was described as working with her was like being hit over the head with a Valentine card - Julie Andre

Mothers Day

Seasonal Quizzes - Mothers Day

I set Bill a challenge to write us a Mothers Day Quiz after several requests from our visitors. I think he did a great job but he said "There are some tough questions and it was one of the hardest themes to research". If YOU have any Mothers Day questions to offer us, I will add them to this quiz. Send them here, Enjoy.


1 In which country did Mother’s Day as we know it begin - The United States Of America
2 When does Mother’s Day take place in England - The UK's Mother's Day always falls on the fourth Sunday during the period of Lent, when people typically give up things like certain foods or bad habits for the days leading up to Easter.
3 What was the name of the woman who promoted mother’s day as we know it - Anna Jarvis
4 In what year was the first modern Mother’s Day - Nineteen fourteen
5 Which American president decreed, when in the calendar, Mother’s Day would happen - Woodrow Wilson
6 What was the first Mother’s Day in modern times called - The Mothers of America Day
7 Which flowers symbolize Mother’s Day - Carnations
8 What was Mother’s Day originally meant to support - It was meant as an anti-war statement
9 Which American president actually designed a postage stamp to honour Mother’s Day - FD Roosevelt
10 What is the difference between Mother’s Day and Mothering Sunday - Mothering Sunday is celebrating the mother being the Church, not the person
11 When do Australians celebrate Mother’s Day - Second Sunday in May
12 Who played the mother in the 1980 Slasher film Mother’s Day - Nancy Hendrickson
13 What organization introduced Mother’s Day in Bhutan - Their Tourist office
14 What did most of the Communist countries change Mother’s Day to - International Woman’s Day
15 What type of large cake is often given on Mother’s Day in Canada - Mother’s Day Cookie Cake
16 Alice Masarykove promoted Mother’s Day in which country - Czechoslovakia in 1923
17 How long does the celebration of Mother’s Day last in Ethiopia - Three days
18 Which Scandinavian country honours some mothers who have done something exceptional with a medal on Mother’s Day - Finland
19 In what month do most countries celebrate Mother’s Day - In May
20 In which decade did celebrating Mother’s Day return to The Republic of Ireland - Nineteen fifties

Easter Quiz 1

Seasonal Quizzes - Easter Quiz 1

1 EAT PEARS DEAR (anagram of a musical) - Easter Parade
2 American children get their Easter eggs from the Easter Bunny. Who delivers Easter eggs to Swiss youngsters - The Easter Cuckoo
3 According to the Good Housekeeping Magazine, which was the best Easter egg for 2015 - Waitrose Caramel Fudge Chocolate egg
4 Which chocolate company introduced the chocolate Easter egg in 1873 - Fry's
5 What is the name of the Sunday following Easter Sunday - Low Sunday
6 To which Berkshire destination did the CND march from London each Easter beginning in the late 1950s - Aldermaston
7 In which show was the song Easter Parade first used - As Thousands Cheer (1933)
8 What type of fruit is an Easter Orange - Apple
9 What is the name of the rich fruit cake, with a layer of marzipan on top, and sometimes inside, eaten at Easter - Simnel Cake
10 From which country does the Easter bunny originate - Germany
11 What does Easter Sunday symbolise - The end of Lent
12 Who said "My left leg is Christmas, my right leg is Easter, why don't you come up and visit me between the holidays" - Mae West
13 Easter and The Totem is a major work by which 20th Century Artist - Jackson Pollock
14 Who was originally cast to star alongside Judy Garland in the 1948 musical comedy Easter Parade but was replaced by Fred Astaire because of an ankle injury sustained before filming began - Gene Kelly
15 Who is or was the lead singer with Tourniquet - Luke Easter
16 Colomba Pasquale (or Easter Dove) is a traditional Easter cake which originated from which country - Italy
17 What is the name of the old English holiday observed on the second Mon and Tue after Easter - Hocktide
18 Which American rock' n' roller was killed in England in a car crash in 1960 on Easter Sunday and had a posthumous number one - Eddie Cochran
19 Why is the egg a symbol of Easter An ancient symbol of new life, - It's considered a fitting symbol for the Resurrection
20 From which song do the following lyrics come "April you're the Easter bunny when you smile" - Calendar Girl

General Knowledge 55

General Knowledge

Quiz 55

1 CRY WITH COIN (is an anagram of an English football team) - Norwich City
2 Which fictional Fleet Street barber allegedly turned some of his customers into veal pies - Sweeney Todd
3 Complete the proverb "There's no smoke" - Without fire
4 What was Carry On Jack called in the USA - Carry on Venus
5 In which English town is Benedictine made - Blackburn
6 Which vegetable has varieties called Granada, Latham and Loretta - Celery
7 What dangerous substance was used to give the appearance of snow in the film The Wizard Of Oz - Asbestos
8 According to Men's Health magazine, what does the average man do 12 to 20 times a day - Break wind
9 The pop duo 2 Unlimited are from which country - Netherlands
10 What was Marvin Gaye's last UK hit before his tragic death - Sexual Healing
11 The coco de mer double coconut grows only on which group of islands - Seychelles
12 What is the penalty in golf for lifting your balls out of casual water - No penalty
13 In the card game of Texas hold 'em what are pocket rockets - Pair of aces
14 In American CB jargon what was a Grizzly Bear - A police officer
15 What short word prefixes these to make three new words: Ring; On; Mit. - Her
16 What gas is predominantly used in gas cigarette lighters - Butane
17 What does an Australian mean by jumbuck - Sheep
18 Who was the antique expert who presented the TV series Heirloom - John Bly
19 Who played the Duchess of Duke Street - Gemma Jones
20 Which Wakefield based High street retailer has gone into administration - Bon Marche

General Knowledge 54

General Knowledge

Quiz 54
1 INVALIDATES MAN (is an anagram of a creature) - Tasmanian Devil
2 Who had a 1983 hit with a version of the Ricky Nelson song It's Late - Shakin' Stevens
3 Who was appointed as the England Rugby Union head coach in November 2015 - Eddie Jones
4 In books and TV what was unusual about Dr Peter Brady and Dr Daniel Westin - They were invisible
5 In Lou Reed's Walk on the Wild Side, who thought she was James Dean for a day - Jackie (Jackie is just speeding away, thought she was James Dean for a day)
6 In medieval art which of the apostles is symbolized by loaves of bread - Phillip
7 What did actress Sarah Miles drink everyday - Glass of her own urine
8 What is the main spirit in a Purple Cactus cocktail - Tequila
9 Fillet of lamb and chump chops come from which part of the beast - Back leg
10 What was the first animated Disney film to tell the story of a real person - Pocahontas
11 What is wrong with you if you suffer from baker's leg - Knock kneed
12 Which Scottish female singer has recorded on at least nine different record labels - Lulu
13 Seal Point and Blue Point are types of which cat - Siamese
14 Which sport in Britain has the most active participants - Angling
15 What does the cockney rhyming slang raspberry mean - Fart (raspberry tart)
16 What does concentric actually mean - Having the same centre
17 Who said "It is better to deserve honours and not have them than to have them and not deserve them" - Mark Twain
18 Who predicted that everyone would be famous for fifteen minutes - Andy Warhol
19 Which well-known actor played Tom Good in the sitcom The Good Life - Richard Briers
20 The Royal Mint brought out a set of 26 ten pence pieces in 2018 each depicting something beginning with each letter of the alphabet, what is shown on the coin designated C - Cricket

General Knowledge 53

General Knowledge

Quiz 53
1. FALSETTO LAMPOONER (a sporting anagram. Canadian) - Toronto Maple Leafs
2. What is the name of the poltergeist which haunts Hogwarts School in the Harry Potter series of novels - Peeves
3. What does the Rankine scale measure - Temperature
4. Who played the title character in the US TV medical drama House - Hugh Laurie
5. Sticks and stones will break my bones (complete the proverb) - But names will never hurt me
6. What did actor Ian Hendry choose as his luxury on Desert Island Discs - Brandy
7. In medicine what does MRI stand for - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
8. Who was the main presenter on the TV series Monitor - Huw Weldon
9. In the farce Charlie's Aunt where did Charlie's Aunt come from - Brazil
10. Who played Kim Tate in Emmerdale - Claire King
11. According to superstition: If a woman sees a robin on Valentine’s day she will marry a man with what job - Sailor
12. Who had a hit in 1955 with Cool Water - Frankie Laine
13. Which philosopher's last resting place is inside a glass case in University College London - Jeremy Bentham
14. What type of bomb would you be making if you were using hydrogen sulphide - Stink bomb
15. Who played Father Dougal McGuire in Father Ted - Ardal O'Hanlon
16. What news magazine boldly claimed: "There's no substitute" - Time Magazine
17. These lyrics are from which TV theme: Riding the trail to who knows where, Luck is his companion, gambling is his game - Maverick
18. In Christian tradition what day is known as the festival of lights - Candlemas
19. What does amen mean - So be it
20. Luz de Otono, Perla and Robin Hood are varieties of which vegetable - Broad bean

General Knowledge 52

General Knowledge

Quiz 52 

Which 1939 western, in which he played the Ringo Kid propelled John Wayne to stardom - Stagecoach
What was Jack Duckworth's job when he first appeared in Coronation Street - Taxi driver
Who is missing from the four members of The Mary Whitehouse Experience, Hugh Dennis, David Baddiel and Rob Newman - Steve Punt
Which river based sitcom starred Nigel Davenport and Sheila White - Don't Rock the Boat
What song did Jasper Carrott take into the top ten in 1975 - Funky Moped
What were the characters doing during the song Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - Riding a bike
What name is given to a small robust timepiece enclosed in a glass-sided metal frame, usually with a handle at the top - Carriage clock
Which US President committed an unpardonable sin by kissing the Queen Mother on the lips - Jimmy Carter
What film was John Candy making when he died - Wagons East
In the Monty Python TV series what is the name of the superhero played by Michael Palin - Bicycle Repair Man
What is the actual property used in the BBC TV drama series Monarch of the Glen - Ardverikie Estate
What nickname was given to the Manchester Utd team in the 50s - Busby Babes
What was Barry Sheene's job before he turned to motor cycle racing - Lorry driver
What part did Anthony Hopkins play in Bram Stoker's Dracula - Van Helsing
What part did Nicolas Colosanto play in the American sitcom Cheers - Coach
What is the nickname of the Muppet Simon Smith - Scooter
What was the title of the 1990 film starring Julia Roberts and Kevin Bacon as medical students experimenting with near death experiences - Flatliners
Who was the lead singer with Roxy Music Bryan - Ferry
Where did Bachmann and Turner get the Overdrive part of their name - Trucking magazine
In which 1930's film did Marie Dressler play Annie Brennan - Tug Boat Annie

General Knowledge 51

General Knowledge

Quiz 51
1. SLEEPIEST MINT KILLERS (anagram of a song title) - Smells Like Teen Spirit
2. Gary Anderson and Wesley Harms both denied doing what during a match at the grand slam of darts in November 2018 - Passing wind!
3. In 1999, who was voted European Player of the Century - Johann Cruyff
4. Who was the busty blonde female star of the 50's musical film The Girl Can't Help - It Jayne Mansfield
5. What diet must you go on if you are allergic to wheat - Gluten free
6. In Scotland what is meant by peely wally - Pale and unwell
7. The terms crutching, wigging and ringing refer to elements of which animal process, prevalent in - Australia and New Zealand Sheep shearing
8. Joshua Pascoe plays which character in Eastenders - Ben Mitchell
9. What word links news, carbon and wall - Paper
10. Which British screen legend served as a commando in WW2, won an Oscar in 1958 for 'Separate Tables' and hosted the Oscars more than once - David Niven
11. In what 1970 Joni Mitchell song do we learn that they paved paradise and put up a parking lot - Big Yellow Taxi
12. Complete the proverb “There is a thin line” - Between love and hate
13. What would an American call a hair grip - Bobby pin
14. Which petrol brand's logo is a white star in a red circle - Texaco
15. Janine Duvitski, Jake Canuso and Johnny Vegas all appeared in which sitcom - Benidorm
16. What colour is the fairy that grants Geppetto's wish to bring Pinocchio to life - Blue
17. What was used to conduct an orchestra before the introduction of the baton - Violin bow
18. What are the main ingredients of a Bloody Maria - Tequila and tomato juice
19. Which London thoroughfare runs from Buckingham Palace along the south side of Saint James Park - Birdcage Walk
20. Who sang about a Smooth Operator in 1984 - Sade

General Knowledge 50

General Knowledge

Quiz 50 - 100 questions
Polite note: Some of these questions may appear in other websites owned by us.

1 AIM AT NUISANCES (anagram of a sixties TV series) - Man in a Suitcase
2 The title of which 1961 Joseph Heller novel has passed into common usage as a phrase meaning a no-win situation - Catch-22
3 What is the nickname given to older internet enthusiasts - Silver Surfers
4 How many years do you have to be married to celebrate a diamond wedding - Sixty
5 Who was the voice of Danger Mouse - David Jason
6 What kind of nuts are used in a bar of Cadbury's Fruit And Nut - Almonds
7 Who had a number one in the eighties with True - Spandau Ballet
8 What is the main diet of grass snakes - Frogs
9 What is Selenology the study of - The Moon
10 Who was Shakespeare's gloomy Dane - Hamlet
11 Which architectural term is defined as 'an ornamental building or structure built purely for decoration' - Folly
12 What was Wild Bill Hickock's middle name - Butler (and his first name was James not Bill)
13 What were kept in ossuaries - Bones
14 To which battle was Churchill referring when he said we never won a battle before and never lost one after it - El Alamein
15 For what type of crimes was Tom Keating jailed - Art forgery
16 What was Papa Doc's real name (former president of Haiti) - Dr François Duvalier
17 What is the longest race in the heptathlon - Eight hundred metres
18 What is the fastest running creature on two legs - Ostrich
19 Which member of the Monkees had a successful country music career afterwards - Mike Nesmith
20 What are a karezza, a pavane, the black bottom, a cotillion and a quadrille - Dances
21 What does the abbreviation SOGAT stand for - Society of Graphical and Allied Trades
22 John, Lionel and Ethel were part of which early twentieth century acting family - Barrymore
23 What is the name of the crispbread traditionally eaten by Jews at Passover - Matzo
24 In which board game do players take turns placing disks on an 8x8 board. - Othello
25 Which product advertised itself as "A little dab'll do ya" - Brylcreme
26 Whom did film star Grace Kelly marry in 1956 - Prince Rainier of Monaco
27 In which country was the first ever floodlit cricket match played - Australia
28 If a car was displaying the international registration plate TR from which country would it have come - Turkey
29 What type of hand held device was used to put out incendiary bombs in WW2 - Stirrup pump
30 What is the society EXIT concerned with - Euthanasia (mercy killing)
31 What is the earliest known device for telling the time - Sundial
32 What was the name of the first storm officially given by the Met Office in 2015 - Abigail
33 Used in torture what were pilliwinks for - Crushing fingers
34 What do the letters PC mean on an Ordnance Survey map - Public convenience
35 In which English county is Rugby - Warwickshire
36 Which of Picasso's paintings painted in 1937 depicts an event from the Spanish Civil War - Guernica
37 What do Foyles of London sell - Books
38 As a hobby what would a pucillovist collect (we all probably have at least one) - Egg cups
39 What name is given to a male lobster - Cock
40 From which song do these lyric come: My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies, fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die - The Show Must Go On by Queen
41 Early Market, Perfect Gem and Scarlet Intermediate are all types of which vegetable - Carrots
42 Who joined the Monty Python team for The Secret Policeman´s Ball in 1979 - Rowan Atkinson
43 The 18th Amendment introduced Prohibition in the United States, but which amendment abolished it - 21st Amendment
44 What animal is on the badge of Rome - Wolf (female)
45 Lake Eyre is the largest lake in which country - Australia
46 Which island did Christopher Columbus actually reach on his first voyage to the new world - Guanahani island in the Bahamas on October 12. He renamed it San Salvador.
47 What name is given to a long low chair with a back and a single armrest - Chaise longue
48 What is a rabbit's tail called - A scut
49 Which actress was born Adrianne Munker - Jodie Foster
50 Which duo call their style of music Rockney - Chas n' Dave
51 What colour is vermilion - Scarlet
52 In place names such as Barnstaple what does staple mean - Post
53 What was the name of The Lone Ranger's horse - Silver
54 Four out of five Indian restaurant owners are from which country - Bangladesh
55 What does the musical term dolente mean - Sadly
56 Who was the Norse god of the sky and thunder - Thor
57 What colour is a white rhino - Dirty brownish grey it comes from the Afrikaans word for wide in this case the lips
58 What is Arachnophobia the irrational fear of - Spiders
59 From which country do basketball team Honka Espoo hail - Finland
60 What happens in the game of Monopoly when you throw three successive doubles - Go to Jail
61 What was Europe's first wide bodied airliner - Airbus A300
62 Which car company manufacture the Nubira - Daewoo
63 What is the state capital of New York - Albany
64 What colour is the cross on the flag of the Dominican republic - White
65 What Part of France did the Romans call Vasconia - Gascony
66 In American slang how much is a sawbuck - Ten dollars
67 In which English city is Temple Meads railway station - Bristol
68 What is the penalty in golf for lifting your ball out of casual water - No penalty
69 What is a white ant better known as - Termite
70 FIDE is the governing body of which game - Chess
71 What spirit is added to red wine to create port - Brandy
72 Who wrote Shirley Valentine - Willy Russell
73 What activity is featured in the magazine Winkers World - Tiddlywinks
74 Who starred with John Travolta in the film "Broken Arrow" - Christian Slater
75 What is the collective noun for Caterpillars - Army
76 Which office other than Pope does the Pope automatically hold - Bishop of Rome
77 I is the chemical symbol for which element - Iodine
78 Who succeeded Matthew Kelly on You Bet - Darren Day
79 What is said to be the UK's loudest bird - Bittern
80 What colour flag in motor racing means an ambulance is on the track - White
81 What is New Mexico's state flower - Yucca
82 Which author lived in a house called Chawton - Jane Austen
83 What would have been your job in times gone by if your surname was Hind - Farm labourer
84 In the early 2000's The Birds Eye brand had a make-over, losing its famous logo in favour of the now familiar red eye logo. What was the old logo - Albatross
85 How many seconds are there in an hour - Three thousand six hundred
86 If you were put on Allopurinol what illness would you be likely to be suffering from - Gout
87 What was former Labour Party leader Michael Foot's middle name - Mackintosh
88 What is the motto of the Stock Exchange - My Word is my Bond
89 Where are the European headquarters of the International Monetary Fund - Geneva
90 “Earth has not anything to show more fair" is the first line of a poem by whom - William Wordsworth
91 Which Law of Physics states that the extension or compression of a spring is directly proportional to the force
applied to it - Hookes Law
92 How many times a year does the moon go round the sun - Once
93 What is the ancient counting frame using wires and beads called - Abacus
94 What is a yurt - Mongol tent
95 The Waterloo Cup is contested in which two sports - Bowls and Greyhound Racing
96 Which Hollywood actress was paid £2,000,000 for saying one word in a Simpson cartoon - Liz Taylor
97 With which sport would you associate David Broome - Show jumping
98 What landmark marks the eastern end of the South Downs - Beachy Head
99 What was the name of the cruise ship seized by hijackers in the Mediterranean in 1985 - Achille Lauro
100 What is the nickname of the Royal Signals Motorcycle Display team - The White Helmets

Polite note: Some of these questions may appear in other websites owned by us.

General Knowledge 49

General Knowledge

Quiz 49
1. STRETCHY ICEMAN (sporting anagram) - Manchester City
2. Which British rock band's original line-up consisted of Eric Burdon, Alan Price, Hilton Valentine, John Steel and Bryan 'Chas' Chandler - The Animals
3. What was banned by the King in 15th century Scotland for interfering with archery practice - Golf
4. Who starred in and directed the 1990 film The Two Jakes - Jack Nicholson
5. In the TV documentary Death on the Rock which rock were they referring to - Gibraltar
6. What kind of birds sing When I See an Elephant Fly from Disney's animated cartoon Dumbo - Crows
7. Which character in David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens, always insisted that he was 'very umble - Uriah Heap
8. Throughout the 1960s all American astronauts famously drove what make of car - Corvette
9. How many League Championship winners medals did Bryan Robson win - None
10. Which American trio released the album Nimrod - Green Day
11. Which car manufacturer made the Visa - Citroen
12. What can be flats, brights, rounds, longs, or filberts - Artists paintbrushes
13. In The American sitcom Cheers who did Woody played by Woody Harrelson replace as barman - Coach (played by Nicolas Colosanto)
14. What do flamenco dancers traditionally hold in their hands - Castanets
15. Which commentator said, Henry Horton's got a funny stance. It looks as if he's shitting on a sooting stick." - Brian Johnston
16. Which type of bird holds the flight height record of over 9,000 metres - Goose
17. Which mineral element can be obtained from seaweed - Iodine
18. What does the VO in Seagrams VO stand for - Very Old
19. Which politician said that he had to sit on the floor of a London to Newcastle Virgin train when CCTV footage showed several empty seats - Jeremy Corbyn
20. In terms of transport, what is a zodiac - An inflatable boat

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