General Knowledge 49

General Knowledge

Quiz 49
1. STRETCHY ICEMAN (sporting anagram) - Manchester City
2. Which British rock band's original line-up consisted of Eric Burdon, Alan Price, Hilton Valentine, John Steel and Bryan 'Chas' Chandler - The Animals
3. What was banned by the King in 15th century Scotland for interfering with archery practice - Golf
4. Who starred in and directed the 1990 film The Two Jakes - Jack Nicholson
5. In the TV documentary Death on the Rock which rock were they referring to - Gibraltar
6. What kind of birds sing When I See an Elephant Fly from Disney's animated cartoon Dumbo - Crows
7. Which character in David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens, always insisted that he was 'very umble - Uriah Heap
8. Throughout the 1960s all American astronauts famously drove what make of car - Corvette
9. How many League Championship winners medals did Bryan Robson win - None
10. Which American trio released the album Nimrod - Green Day
11. Which car manufacturer made the Visa - Citroen
12. What can be flats, brights, rounds, longs, or filberts - Artists paintbrushes
13. In The American sitcom Cheers who did Woody played by Woody Harrelson replace as barman - Coach (played by Nicolas Colosanto)
14. What do flamenco dancers traditionally hold in their hands - Castanets
15. Which commentator said, Henry Horton's got a funny stance. It looks as if he's shitting on a sooting stick." - Brian Johnston
16. Which type of bird holds the flight height record of over 9,000 metres - Goose
17. Which mineral element can be obtained from seaweed - Iodine
18. What does the VO in Seagrams VO stand for - Very Old
19. Which politician said that he had to sit on the floor of a London to Newcastle Virgin train when CCTV footage showed several empty seats - Jeremy Corbyn
20. In terms of transport, what is a zodiac - An inflatable boat

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