General Knowledge 48

General Knowledge

Quiz 48
1 NEVER RISK A SNOG, SON (sporting anagram) - Sven-Goran Eriksson
2 What is the ninth event in the decathlon - Javelin
3 Issac and Willian Fuld invented and patented what in 1892 which has given some people pleasure and terrified others - Oiuja Board
4 Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo that was established in 1925 as Africa's first national park
was created mainly to protect what animal - Gorilla
5 In the sixties Batman TV series who played a villain called The Joker - Cesar Romero
6 What would an American call the first floor - Second floor
7 Which statesman, born at Schonhausen in Brandenburg in 1815, became the first Chancellor of the German Empire - Bismarck
8 Don Lockwood was a character in which musical film - Singing in the Rain
9 According to Tolkien what is the favourite food of Hobbitts - Mushrooms
10 Bogyphobia is the fear of what - Demons and goblins etc
11 Whose fictional TV assistant is Geoffrey Shorecross - Hetty Wainthropp
12 In distilling what is known as the angel's share - Amount lost by evaporation through the casks while
maturing (about 2%)
13 In which country is the coastal state of Tabasco - Mexico
14 Which British group were banned from performing in the US for four years in the 1960's - The Kinks
15 By what name did Walker Smith become famous in sporting circles - Sugar Ray Robinson
16 Which group had a top ten hit in 1964 with 5-4-3-2-1- - Manfred Mann
17 By what name was Fiji previously known - The Cannibal Isles
18 Whose face is on an American five dollar bill - Abraham Lincoln
19 Who wrote the TV sitcoms Men Behaving Badly and Frank Stubbs Promotes - Simon Nye
20 What is Dennis the Menace's surname - Mitchell

General Knowledge 47

General Knowledge

Quiz 47
1. I'LL MAKE A WISE PHRASE (anagram of a writer) - William Shakespeare
2. What was Raquel's job when she first met Del Boy - A stripagram
3. Moderna Tider is a newspaper in which country - Sweden
4. You broke my heart, 'Cause I couldn't dance, you didn't even want me around' – are the opening lyrics to which 1962 song - Do You Love Me
5. In cockney rhyming slang what is a jam jar - Car
6. Name the two colours at either end of the spectrum that are invisible to the naked eye - Infra-red and ultra violet
7. Who was the wine expert of the TV series Food and Drink - Jilly Goolden
8. In Finnish cuisine what type of food is makkara - Sausages
9. Who played Sir Lancelot Spratt in the Doctor series of films - James Robertson Justice
10. What was Cat Stevens first top 40 hit in 1966 - I Love My Dog
11. Who is the male presenter of the Krypton Factor - Gordon Burns
12. If you sold a Bonham in Ireland what have you sold - A piglet
13. A Victoria Cross is allegedly struck from the gun metal of Russian cannons captured at which battle (this is not totally true) - Sebastopol
14. All Creatures Grunt and Smell and All Humans Tall and Small appeared in which British comic that ran for forty years - Buster
15. Who was film director Billy Wilder talking about when he said she had t*ts like granite and a brain like a Swiss cheese - Marilyn Monroe
16. Dating back to 1801, what is the more common name for a circle graph - Pie Chart
17. What was the name of the Woolpack regular in Emmerdale Farm who never spoke - Walter
18. What is the collective noun for young oysters - Set
19. Who composed the soundtrack for The Empire Strikes Back - John Williams
20. What girl's name was punningly chosen first when the UK decided in 2015 to 'name' its storms - Abigail (a big gale)

General Knowledge 46

General Knowledge

Quiz 46
1 SNIGGER BAWDILY is an anagram of which Olympic gold medallist - Bradley Wiggins
2 How is something cooked that is described as 'a la king' - In mushrooms and cream sauce with green peppers
3 We have all heard of Wi-Fi but what does it stand for - Wireless Fidelity
4 Who starred as Bill in the TV sitcom 2.4 Children - Belinda Lang
5 Which mainland country has the longest coastline on the Caribbean - Venezuela
6 How old do you have to be to get a tattoo - Eighteen
7 In the original Happy Families card game what was the name of the Milkman - Mr Mug
8 In which country did the longbow originate - Wales
9 Who had a UK number one in 2011 with Glad You Came - Wanted
10 Which Greek Goddess has an owl as her emblem - Athena
11 In which book of the Bible is a fiery red dragon with seven heads mentioned - Revelations
12 What is the only patented "uniform" or "costume" in the USA Playboy - Bunny Outfits
13 What is the connection between William Tell, The Beatles and Isaac Newton - Apple
14 Which is the only tennis grand slam played on clay - French
15 What type of creature are Hermans, Marginated and Horsefields - Tortoises
16 The Singing Butler is a work by which Scottish artist - Jack Vetriano
17 Who did Judi Dench play in the 2011 film My Week With Marilyn - Sybil Thorndyke
18 Nena had ninety nine of these Dave Clarke only had one - Red Balloons
19 What happens to you when reverse peristalsis takes place - You vomit
20 An alternative to petrol what does LPG stand for - Liquid Petroleum Gas

General Knowledge 45

General Knowledge

Quiz 45
1 CRAZY ROYAL HAT (is an anagram of a former American president) - Zachary Taylor
2 Which crime writer wrote the novel Sparkling Cyanide - Agatha Christie
3 By what name do we know Quentin Cook - Fatboy Slim
4 Which newsreader and TV presenter was voted Rear of Year for 2010 - Fiona Bruce
5 Which chef wrote Toast: The Story of a Boy's Hunger - Nigel Slater
6 What is the traditional alcoholic ingredient in the cocktail Snowball - Advocaat
7 What was the name of Donald Duck's rich uncle - Scrooge McDuck
8 What is the anatomical name for the womb - Uterus
9 Who was the winner of BBC's Music, Sound of 2019 - Octavian
10 Who had a hit in the two thousands with The Love of Richard Nixon - Manic Street Preachers
11 What kind of animal is a Wessex saddleback - Pig
12 Who was the first footballer to move between two English clubs for £150,000 - Alan Clarke (1968)
13 What was the first outdoor sport in which women competed equally against men - Croquet
14 Which institution awards the Pulitzer Prizes - Columbia University
15 What is the Latin term that means things to be done". Originally comparable to a to-do list, an ordered list of things to be done - Agenda
16 What is a second wedding anniversary known as - Cotton
17 How many sides has a pentacontagon - Fifty
18 Who said in an ad campaign you meet the nicest people in a Honda - Twiggy
19 Who starred in The Adventures of Robin Hood made for TV in 1955 - Richard Greene
20 In which country did Ugg boots originate - Australia

General Knowledge 44

General Knowledge

Quiz 44
1. AIM AT NUISANCES (anagram of a sixties TV series) - Man in a Suitcase
2. What was the name of the ship in which Captain James Cook made his second and third voyages of exploration to the Pacific. - HMS Resolution
3. In the motoring world what does FSH stand for - Full Service History
4. What two planets in our solar system are classed as ice giants and or gas giants - Uranus and Neptune
5. In which cartoon does Charley Brown and his dog Snoopy appear in many newspapers - Peanuts
6. Who had a UK number one in 2016 with Stitches - Shawn Mendes
7. People with what surname are often nicknamed Smudger - Smith
8. What is added to a martini to make it dirty - Olive brine
9. In terms of capacity, what is the second largest stadium in the United Kingdom after Wembley Stadium - Twickenham (82,000)
10. What is the English equivalent of the German surname Fassbinder - Cooper
11. What was the name of author A A Milne's son - Christopher Robin
12. Which US Cavalry regiment fought the battle at Little Big Horn - The 7th Cavalry
13. The term "sadism" is derived from the name of what 18th century aristocrat and novelist - Marquis de Sade
14. How many dancers participate in the Dashing White Sergeant - Six
15. In which Devon town is the Britannia Royal Naval College - Dartmouth
16. Which company replaced Thames TV in 1993 - Carlton
17. Which is the only member of the Commonwealth never to have been a British colony or dependency at any time in its history - Mozambique
18. On the human body, a sanguineous crust is better known by what name - Scab
19. Zoophobia is the irrational fear of what - Animals
20. Which artist created the Lobster Telephone which can be seen in the Tate Gallery - Salvador Dali

General Knowledge 43

General Knowledge

Quiz 43
1 AVENUE ROD (anagram of a TV drama series) - Endeavour
2 Name the Government Chief Whip who allegedly directed a volley of abuse at a policeman guarding Downing Street after not being allowed to cycle out of the main gates - Andrew Mitchell
3 Who in 2016 became the first singer-songwriter to be awarded a Nobel Prize for Literature - Bob Dylan
4 In the Church of England who is the Primate of All England - Archbishop of Canterbury
5 What is the Spanish version of the FA Challenge Cup - Copa Del Rey
6 Which British car maker made the Viva - Vauxhall
7 Dili is the capital of which tiny country - East Timor
8 Which commentator made this statement, There's going to be a real ding-dong when the bell goes - David Coleman
9 Which post WW2 American President was born in Abilene - Eisenhower
10 What is the name of the family who inhabit Downton Abbey - Crawley
11 Which European royal admitted in May 2006 that he loved dogs just slightly grilled or sautéed - Prince Henrik of Denmark
12 In the book Clochmerle the building of what caused ructions - A urinal
13 Who had a top ten hit in the seventies with Reasons to be Cheerful, Part 3 - Ian Dury and the Blockheads
14 Which shotgun has the smallest bore size 12 bore 16 bore or 28 bore - Twenty eight bore
15 What was Joseph Pujol's (stage name La Petomane) stage act - He passed wind, imitating music etc
16 What is a female gerbil called - Doe
17 According to the Beano comic strip who is Dennis the Menace's favourite TV hero - The Lone Ranger
18 In which film did Steve McQueen star as a cynical sailor on a US gunboat on the Yangtze river - The Sand Pebbles
19 Who was the first private individual to travel into space - Dennis Tito (paid 20 million dollars in 2001)
20 The modern lifestyle acronym MAMIL, which relates to the growth in fitness products and especially cycling, stands for what - Middle-Age Man In Lycra

General Knowledge 42

Quiz 42
1 OUST A BABY SOULFULLY (anagram of a TV sitcom) - Absolutely Fabulous
2 In the rhyme, who went to Gloucester in a shower of rain - Dr Foster
3 There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. What is it - Windows
4 Where was the last Druid stronghold in the UK - Anglesey
5 Noel Gallagher scored a 10th number one album in December 2017, what is it called - Who Built the Moon
6 For what sort of medical test would a standard Snellen Chart be used - Eye test
7 What is the collective noun for jackrabbits - Husk
8 According to superstition why should you push the spoon through the bottom of a boiled egg after eating it - To let the devil out
9 What did Americans call the first Cuban in space - Castronaut
10 In Eastenders who did Dot Cotton help to end her life with a morphine overdose - Ethel Skinner
11 Which is the only snake whose common name is the same as its scientific one - Boa constrictor
12 In religious art what does an anchor symbolise - Hope
13 What can be heard four times every day in the UK - Shipping Forecast
14 Where was the Scottish Grand National run until 1966 before being switched to Ayr - Bogside
15 Who had a number one in 2006 with Put Your Hands Up For Detroit - Fedde Le Grand
16 Which country introduced the Glock automatic pistol to the world in 1980 - Austria
17 In the children´s television series Scooby Doo, what is Velma´s Surname - Dinkley
18 Complete the proverb, Where there's a will - There's a way
19 What drink were fans stocking in January 2018 due to a change in its recipe to reduce sugar content - Irn-Bru
20 During which two years did the Miner’s Strike take place in the UK - 1984-1985

General Knowledge 41

General Knowledge

Quiz 41
1 SIP CANTEEN HAUL (anagram of a film) - A Place in the Sun
2 In which county is the Black Cat roundabout (it's on the A1) - Bedfordshire
3 Which British motorcycle manufacturer made the Barracuda - BSA
4 In which film did Diana Ross perform the songs All Of Me and The Man I Love - Lady Sings The Blues
5 Who was the Norse god of the dead - Hel
6 In Scotland where do you come from if you are nicknamed a Doonhamer - Dumfries
7 What was the consolation prize in the TV game show Winner Takes All during the Geoffrey Wheeler era - Filofax
8 What job was Sting doing just before going to Warwick University - Bus Conductor
9 What is the collective noun for ocelots - Awfulot
10 In the language of flowers what flower stands for retaliation - Scottish thistle
11 Who was the voice of Sergeant Major Zero in Terrahawks - Windsor Davies
12 According to the Bristol Stool Form Chart how many different types of turds are noted - Seven
13 Under what name did the band leader Geoff Love have hits such as The Honeymoon Song and Rodrigro's Guitar - Manuel and His Music Of The Mountains
14 Which champion boxer was nicknamed the Ghost with a Hammer in his hand - Jimmy Wilde
15 Which two ingredients are added to cheddar cheese to make Ilchester cheese - Beer and garlic
16 In which concentration camp did Anne Frank end her life - Belsen
17 What pop star chose to name one of her companies Slutco - Madonna
18 Who wrote The Murder of Roger Ackroyd - Agatha Christie
19 When the American State Department refers to "vertical transportation units," what is it describing - Lifts
20 What was the Billy Connolly spoof record based on the Village People's In The Navy called - In The Brownies

General Knowledge 40

General Knowledge

Quiz 40
1 NO UNTIDY CLOTHES (anagram of a type of place) - The nudist colony
2 An anchovy is a member of which fish family - Herring
3 What is the smallest type of grand piano - Baby grand
4 The devil is typically characterized as having what sort of foot - Cloven
5 The term tercentennial represents how many years - Three hundred years
6 How did Frank James, Jesse's brother die - Old age
7 In 1998, which song gave Cher her second UK number one - Believe
8 What is the Diagram Prize awarded for each year at the Frankfurt Book Fair - Oddest title
9 Where on the body would you find the philtrum - Groove between your nose and your lips
10 Who presented BBC TV's Ski Sunday for 19 years - David Vine
11 The Hall of Fame at Owensboro Kentucky is dedicated to which type of people - Cowboys
12 By what name have we come to know Stephanie Clifford - Stormy Daniels
13 Which great Colombian football star will be remembered as much for his big hair as his ability - Carlos Valderrama
14 Which British aircraft manufacturer made the Lancaster bomber - Avro
15 In which children's TV series did the character Mr Turnip appear - Whirligig
16 In music who would use colophony -A string player it is bow resin
17 Lyrics: One shaft of light that shows the way, no mortal man can win this day - A Kind Of Magic
18 What is the name of the new Royal Navy aircraft carrier which was launched in 2017 - HMS Queen Elizabeth
19 What happened to George Reeves the original Superman of the 50's - Shot himself because he could not get any other roles
20 Which group's only hit was with Funky Town in 1980 - Lipps Inc

General Knowledge 39

General Knowledge

Quiz 39 
1 DENIAL AS COP LAZED (anagram of a TV series) - Dalziel and Pascoe
2 What do these three songs have in common, Bat Out of Hell, I'm The Leader of the Gang and Leader of the Pack - The sound of motorcycles is used on each one
3 What is the more common name for the trachea - Windpipe
4 In Australian slang what does warby mean - Shabby
5 In which Dickens' novel does Simon Tappertit appear -Barnaby Rudge
6 What is the title of the 2002 Canadian film about curling -Men With Brooms
7 If something is served a la newburg what is the main part of the dish likely to be - Lobster
8 Complete the proverb, “Lightning doesn't strike twice” - In the same place
9 Which of the original members of Boyzone, died aged just 33 - Stephen Gately
10 What is the connection between George Stevenson, Michael Faraday and Charles Dickens - Appeared on British banknotes
11 What is a baby wombat called - Joey
12 On which UK motorway would you find Woolley Edge service station - M1
13 Which British comedienne was the voice of the Fairy Godmother in Shrek 2 - Jennifer Saunders
14 If you suffer from hippomania what are you obsessed by - Horses
15 Which 18th century French politician gave his name to a black cut out or painting - Etienne De Silhouette
16 What is the next prime number after 53 - Fifty nine
17 What is the name of Dracula's insane henchman - RM Renfield the RM is unknown, accept 'Renfield'
18 The Town of Fairvale featured in which cult horror film - Psycho
19 Who was the first male centrefold in Cosmopolitan magazine - Burt Reynolds
20 Who were the first club to win the Football League Cup with no Englishmen in the team - Manchester City

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