General Knowledge 47

General Knowledge

Quiz 47
1. I'LL MAKE A WISE PHRASE (anagram of a writer) - William Shakespeare
2. What was Raquel's job when she first met Del Boy - A stripagram
3. Moderna Tider is a newspaper in which country - Sweden
4. You broke my heart, 'Cause I couldn't dance, you didn't even want me around' – are the opening lyrics to which 1962 song - Do You Love Me
5. In cockney rhyming slang what is a jam jar - Car
6. Name the two colours at either end of the spectrum that are invisible to the naked eye - Infra-red and ultra violet
7. Who was the wine expert of the TV series Food and Drink - Jilly Goolden
8. In Finnish cuisine what type of food is makkara - Sausages
9. Who played Sir Lancelot Spratt in the Doctor series of films - James Robertson Justice
10. What was Cat Stevens first top 40 hit in 1966 - I Love My Dog
11. Who is the male presenter of the Krypton Factor - Gordon Burns
12. If you sold a Bonham in Ireland what have you sold - A piglet
13. A Victoria Cross is allegedly struck from the gun metal of Russian cannons captured at which battle (this is not totally true) - Sebastopol
14. All Creatures Grunt and Smell and All Humans Tall and Small appeared in which British comic that ran for forty years - Buster
15. Who was film director Billy Wilder talking about when he said she had t*ts like granite and a brain like a Swiss cheese - Marilyn Monroe
16. Dating back to 1801, what is the more common name for a circle graph - Pie Chart
17. What was the name of the Woolpack regular in Emmerdale Farm who never spoke - Walter
18. What is the collective noun for young oysters - Set
19. Who composed the soundtrack for The Empire Strikes Back - John Williams
20. What girl's name was punningly chosen first when the UK decided in 2015 to 'name' its storms - Abigail (a big gale)

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