General Knowledge 14

General Knowledge

Quiz 14
1. HEAR ARSENAL(anagram of a sportsman) - Alan Shearer
2. On a Monopoly board what colour is Leicester Square - Yellow
3. What is the road system called that links 17 capitals in South America - Pan American Highway
4. Which blood group can receive blood from any other - AB
5. Who starred as Paul "Wrecking" Crewe in the film The Longest Yard - Burt Reynolds
6. In which country did doughnuts originate - Netherlands
7. Who said Give us the tools and we will finish the job (February 1941) - Sir Winston Churchill
8. What sport did Clive Everton commentate on - Snooker
9. Which three words complete the proverb, The nearer the bone the - Sweeter the meat
10. Which soap village is situated in the Valley of the river Am - Ambridge
11. What is singer Neil Young's home town - Toronto
12. What were great danes originally bred for - Boar and bear hunting
13. Whose fourth novel featuring Robert Langdon, is a mystery thriller called Inferno - Dan Brown
14. What word links these: chestnut, chicken, pot - Roast
15. Who had a UK number one in 2015 with Are You With Me - Lost Frequencies
16. Where in 1972 did John Young set a speed record of 11.2 mph - The Moon
17. How many masts has a carrack - Three
18. What does the French culinary term dore mean - Brushed with egg yolk
19. What town has been known as the Toyshop of Europe - Birmingham
20. What was Sir Robin Day's job before he became a full time TV interviewer and presenter - Barrister

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