General Knowledge 37

General Knowledge

Quiz 37
1 NO BRIEF PANIC METER ON THE STAGE (anagram of a well-known play) - The Importance of Being Earnest
2 Which English singer appeared in the 1998 film The Wedding Singer as himself - Billy Idol
3 Originating in Turkish cuisine terminology the 'shish' in a shish kebab refers to what - The skewer
4 Who in 1909 became the first man to fly the English Channel - Louis Bleriot
5 What is the term given to the perimeter around a circle - Circumference
6 What was the name of the one-eyed character played by John Wayne in True Grit - Rooster Cogburn
7 Which American aircraft carrier was badly damaged during the battle of Midway and sunk by a Japanese submarine two days later - USS Yorktown
8 What line follows Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer - We'll keep the red flag flying here
9 By what name do we know Alecia Moore - Pink
10 How many digits are there in a credit card number - Sixteen
11 What two months does the Zodiac sign Taurus cover - April and May
12 What role do Richard Green, John Cleese and Kevin Costner have in common - Robin Hood
13 If you were taking a Rorschach Test, what would you be looking at - Ink blots
14 Axle hitch, Catshank, Power cinch and Monkey's fist are all types of what - Knot
15 What is a young cockroach called - Nymph
16 In which city are the headquarters of the European Space Agency - Paris
17 In American CB jargon what were Groceries - A meal
18 The Bronze statue of David by Donatello shows David holding what in his right hand - Goliath's sword
19 Who did Kate Bush duet with on the 1986 top ten hit Don't Give Up - Peter Gabriel
20 Which means of transport was used in the children's game show Fun House - Go-Karts

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