General Knowledge
Quiz 50 - 100 questions
Polite note: Some of these questions may appear in other websites owned by us.
1 AIM AT NUISANCES (anagram of a sixties TV series) - Man in a Suitcase
2 The title of which 1961 Joseph Heller novel has passed into common usage as a phrase meaning a no-win situation - Catch-22
3 What is the nickname given to older internet enthusiasts - Silver Surfers
4 How many years do you have to be married to celebrate a diamond wedding - Sixty
5 Who was the voice of Danger Mouse - David Jason
6 What kind of nuts are used in a bar of Cadbury's Fruit And Nut - Almonds
7 Who had a number one in the eighties with True - Spandau Ballet
8 What is the main diet of grass snakes - Frogs
9 What is Selenology the study of - The Moon
10 Who was Shakespeare's gloomy Dane - Hamlet
11 Which architectural term is defined as 'an ornamental building or structure built purely for decoration' - Folly
12 What was Wild Bill Hickock's middle name - Butler (and his first name was James not Bill)
13 What were kept in ossuaries - Bones
14 To which battle was Churchill referring when he said we never won a battle before and never lost one after it - El Alamein
15 For what type of crimes was Tom Keating jailed - Art forgery
16 What was Papa Doc's real name (former president of Haiti) - Dr François Duvalier
17 What is the longest race in the heptathlon - Eight hundred metres
18 What is the fastest running creature on two legs - Ostrich
19 Which member of the Monkees had a successful country music career afterwards - Mike Nesmith
20 What are a karezza, a pavane, the black bottom, a cotillion and a quadrille - Dances
21 What does the abbreviation SOGAT stand for - Society of Graphical and Allied Trades
22 John, Lionel and Ethel were part of which early twentieth century acting family - Barrymore
23 What is the name of the crispbread traditionally eaten by Jews at Passover - Matzo
24 In which board game do players take turns placing disks on an 8x8 board. - Othello
25 Which product advertised itself as "A little dab'll do ya" - Brylcreme
26 Whom did film star Grace Kelly marry in 1956 - Prince Rainier of Monaco
27 In which country was the first ever floodlit cricket match played - Australia
28 If a car was displaying the international registration plate TR from which country would it have come - Turkey
29 What type of hand held device was used to put out incendiary bombs in WW2 - Stirrup pump
30 What is the society EXIT concerned with - Euthanasia (mercy killing)
31 What is the earliest known device for telling the time - Sundial
32 What was the name of the first storm officially given by the Met Office in 2015 - Abigail
33 Used in torture what were pilliwinks for - Crushing fingers
34 What do the letters PC mean on an Ordnance Survey map - Public convenience
35 In which English county is Rugby - Warwickshire
36 Which of Picasso's paintings painted in 1937 depicts an event from the Spanish Civil War - Guernica
37 What do Foyles of London sell - Books
38 As a hobby what would a pucillovist collect (we all probably have at least one) - Egg cups
39 What name is given to a male lobster - Cock
40 From which song do these lyric come: My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies, fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die - The Show Must Go On by Queen
41 Early Market, Perfect Gem and Scarlet Intermediate are all types of which vegetable - Carrots
42 Who joined the Monty Python team for The Secret Policeman´s Ball in 1979 - Rowan Atkinson
43 The 18th Amendment introduced Prohibition in the United States, but which amendment abolished it - 21st Amendment
44 What animal is on the badge of Rome - Wolf (female)
45 Lake Eyre is the largest lake in which country - Australia
46 Which island did Christopher Columbus actually reach on his first voyage to the new world - Guanahani island in the Bahamas on October 12. He renamed it San Salvador.
47 What name is given to a long low chair with a back and a single armrest - Chaise longue
48 What is a rabbit's tail called - A scut
49 Which actress was born Adrianne Munker - Jodie Foster
50 Which duo call their style of music Rockney - Chas n' Dave
51 What colour is vermilion - Scarlet
52 In place names such as Barnstaple what does staple mean - Post
53 What was the name of The Lone Ranger's horse - Silver
54 Four out of five Indian restaurant owners are from which country - Bangladesh
55 What does the musical term dolente mean - Sadly
56 Who was the Norse god of the sky and thunder - Thor
57 What colour is a white rhino - Dirty brownish grey it comes from the Afrikaans word for wide in this case the lips
58 What is Arachnophobia the irrational fear of - Spiders
59 From which country do basketball team Honka Espoo hail - Finland
60 What happens in the game of Monopoly when you throw three successive doubles - Go to Jail
61 What was Europe's first wide bodied airliner - Airbus A300
62 Which car company manufacture the Nubira - Daewoo
63 What is the state capital of New York - Albany
64 What colour is the cross on the flag of the Dominican republic - White
65 What Part of France did the Romans call Vasconia - Gascony
66 In American slang how much is a sawbuck - Ten dollars
67 In which English city is Temple Meads railway station - Bristol
68 What is the penalty in golf for lifting your ball out of casual water - No penalty
69 What is a white ant better known as - Termite
70 FIDE is the governing body of which game - Chess
71 What spirit is added to red wine to create port - Brandy
72 Who wrote Shirley Valentine - Willy Russell
73 What activity is featured in the magazine Winkers World - Tiddlywinks
74 Who starred with John Travolta in the film "Broken Arrow" - Christian Slater
75 What is the collective noun for Caterpillars - Army
76 Which office other than Pope does the Pope automatically hold - Bishop of Rome
77 I is the chemical symbol for which element - Iodine
78 Who succeeded Matthew Kelly on You Bet - Darren Day
79 What is said to be the UK's loudest bird - Bittern
80 What colour flag in motor racing means an ambulance is on the track - White
81 What is New Mexico's state flower - Yucca
82 Which author lived in a house called Chawton - Jane Austen
83 What would have been your job in times gone by if your surname was Hind - Farm labourer
84 In the early 2000's The Birds Eye brand had a make-over, losing its famous logo in favour of the now familiar red eye logo. What was the old logo - Albatross
85 How many seconds are there in an hour - Three thousand six hundred
86 If you were put on Allopurinol what illness would you be likely to be suffering from - Gout
87 What was former Labour Party leader Michael Foot's middle name - Mackintosh
88 What is the motto of the Stock Exchange - My Word is my Bond
89 Where are the European headquarters of the International Monetary Fund - Geneva
90 “Earth has not anything to show more fair" is the first line of a poem by whom - William Wordsworth
91 Which Law of Physics states that the extension or compression of a spring is directly proportional to the force
applied to it - Hookes Law
92 How many times a year does the moon go round the sun - Once
93 What is the ancient counting frame using wires and beads called - Abacus
94 What is a yurt - Mongol tent
95 The Waterloo Cup is contested in which two sports - Bowls and Greyhound Racing
96 Which Hollywood actress was paid £2,000,000 for saying one word in a Simpson cartoon - Liz Taylor
97 With which sport would you associate David Broome - Show jumping
98 What landmark marks the eastern end of the South Downs - Beachy Head
99 What was the name of the cruise ship seized by hijackers in the Mediterranean in 1985 - Achille Lauro
100 What is the nickname of the Royal Signals Motorcycle Display team - The White Helmets
Polite note: Some of these questions may appear in other websites owned by us.