General Knowledge 38

General Knowledge

Quiz 38
1 ELEGANT MANURE (transport anagram) - Renault Megane
2 In December 2000, which single became the first number one to have a man's name as a title since Sister Sledge's "Frankie" 15 years earlier - Stan (by Eminem)
3 In lonely hearts adverts what does DWM stand for - Divorced white male
4 In the biopic Great Balls of Fire who played Jerry Lee Lewis' child bride cousin - Winona Ryder
5 In which English town or city is Saint Edmund buried - Bury Saint Edmunds in Suffolk
6 Which country first issued a fatwah against Salman Rushdie - Iran
7 What type of creature is an orb weaver - Spider
8 In which TV series did Stacy Dorning play Jenny Gordon - The Adventures of Black Beauty
9 Which canal spelled backwards is a Greek god - Suez
10 Which Californian surf beach is also the name of a popular brand of drink - Malibu
11 Which actor appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine wearing a dress and a rubber glove - Brad Pitt
12 Which part of a man's body can swell to ten times its normal size when he gets excited - No, it's the pupil of his eye
13 Which newspaper owner's name became an exclamation of surprise or disbelief - Gordon Bennett
14 Which British motor manufacturer used to make the Ruby - Austin
15 How long after the birth of Christ did the three wise men arrive - Twelve days
16 Who is the first female author to win the Man Booker Prize twice - Hilary Mantel
17 What does the word Mississippi mean - Big river
18 Which Shakespeare play was the rock musical Catch My Soul based on - Othello
19 What grain is used to make semolina - Wheat
20 What is the Latin phrase meaning winner of the games often applied to a school sport's champion - Victor Ludorum

General Knowledge 37

General Knowledge

Quiz 37
1 NO BRIEF PANIC METER ON THE STAGE (anagram of a well-known play) - The Importance of Being Earnest
2 Which English singer appeared in the 1998 film The Wedding Singer as himself - Billy Idol
3 Originating in Turkish cuisine terminology the 'shish' in a shish kebab refers to what - The skewer
4 Who in 1909 became the first man to fly the English Channel - Louis Bleriot
5 What is the term given to the perimeter around a circle - Circumference
6 What was the name of the one-eyed character played by John Wayne in True Grit - Rooster Cogburn
7 Which American aircraft carrier was badly damaged during the battle of Midway and sunk by a Japanese submarine two days later - USS Yorktown
8 What line follows Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer - We'll keep the red flag flying here
9 By what name do we know Alecia Moore - Pink
10 How many digits are there in a credit card number - Sixteen
11 What two months does the Zodiac sign Taurus cover - April and May
12 What role do Richard Green, John Cleese and Kevin Costner have in common - Robin Hood
13 If you were taking a Rorschach Test, what would you be looking at - Ink blots
14 Axle hitch, Catshank, Power cinch and Monkey's fist are all types of what - Knot
15 What is a young cockroach called - Nymph
16 In which city are the headquarters of the European Space Agency - Paris
17 In American CB jargon what were Groceries - A meal
18 The Bronze statue of David by Donatello shows David holding what in his right hand - Goliath's sword
19 Who did Kate Bush duet with on the 1986 top ten hit Don't Give Up - Peter Gabriel
20 Which means of transport was used in the children's game show Fun House - Go-Karts

General Knowledge 36

General Knowledge

Quiz 36
1 RICH STAR RANT (anagram of a TV presenter) - Chris Tarrant
2 On the shores of which lake does the English town of Keswick lie - Derwentwater
3 In Monopoly how much is paid to the hospital from Community Chest - One hundred pounds
4 What does Tomasz Schafernaker do on TV regularly - Weather forecast
5 Until 2008 the Scotch thistle appeared on the tail side of which British coin - Five pence
6 In cartoons which animal represents Russia - Bear
7 What job would have been done by a Sandler - Shoemaker
8 Where is the HQ of the University of California - Berkeley
9 What is the name of the woman who appears on Swiss coins and stamps - Helvetia
10 What is considered to be Canada's official national sport - Lacrosse (accept Ice Hockey)
11 In what country were DAF vehicles first made - The Netherlands (Accept Holland)
12 According to Arthurian legend, what did King Arthur receive as a dowry, on his marriage to Guinevere - The Round Table
13 Popular in the south of the United States, which peculiar meat was the original basis of a 'Brunswick Stew' - Squirrel
14 What does Marcel Marceau call his white faced character - Bip
15 In which country is there a town called Wank - Germany
16 What was the smallest city to host the Olympic games in the 20th Century - Helsinki
17 Which American flier was dubbed The Lone Eagle - Charles Lindbergh
18 What was the name of the first probe to send back pictures from Mars - Viking
19 What colour jersey is worn by the leader of the Giro D'Italia cycle race - Pink
20 Who was the President of the USA at the time of the killing of John Lennon - Jimmy Carter

General Knowledge 34

General Knowledge

quiz 34
1. MOON JETS is an anagram of which singer - Tom Jones
2. For which newspaper was Clement Freud a football correspondent - The Observer
3. In Deep Space Nine what position does Odo hold - Security chief
4. What is the physical unit defined as ten times the temperature difference between two surfaces when the heat flow is one watt per square metre - A Tog
5. In which Shakespeare play would you hear the line What light through yonder window breaks - Romeo and Juliet
6. In Jewish cuisine what is matzo - Unleavened bread
7. From which song are the following lyrics taken Drink my liquor from an old fruit jar - Blue Suede Shoes
8. Who had a number one in the sixties with My Old Man's A Dustman - Lonnie Donegan
9. Elton John called for a boycott of which fashion chain after they described children born by IVF as synthetic - Dolce & Gabbana
10. What is the first name of Mr Bucket in Keeping up Appearances - Richard
11. Which director earned a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart during his tour of duty in Vietnam - Oliver Stone
12. In which British soap is The Dog in the Pond pub featured - Hollyoaks
13. Which Disney film featured the song I'm Late - Alice In Wonderland
14. Hieroglyphs are a very important language of symbols in what ancient civilization - Egyptian
15. Ultramarine is a shade of what colour - Blue
16. In Eastenders what was Eddie Royle's job before he took over the Queen Vic - Policeman
17. Of the four major blood groups what is the most common in the UK - Group O
18. Which British actress appeared with Robert Redford in the film The Great Gatsby when she was six years old - Patsy Kensit
19. Which city took Wilbert Harrison to the top of the American singles charts - Kansas City
20. Which famous building is believed to be the one that Galileo carried out the first practical research into gravity - Leaning tower of Pisa


General Knowledge 35

General Knowledge

Quiz 35
1 MEERCAT READY FOR BIG SHOT (anagram of a well-known novel) - The Mayor of Casterbridge
2 What is a wickerwork fishing basket called - Creel
3 What did Sir Laurence Olivier put in Dustin Hoffman's mouth in the film The Marathon Man - Dentist's drill
4 Anderson shelters were named after Sir John Anderson, what government post did he hold at the time - Home Secretary
5 A la limousine is a method of cooking which vegetable - Red cabbage
6 Which mobile phone company changed its name to T Mobile - One 2 One
7 What happens in the game of Monopoly when you throw three successive doubles - Go to Jail
8 In which Australian city is the WACA cricket ground - Perth
9 Who was the astrologer on Breakfast Time TV - Russell Grant
10 Which luxury did Esther Rantzen choose on Desert Island Discs - Bath salts
11 What was American philanthropist James Buchanan Brady known as - Diamond Jim
12 Which Isle of Man resort hosts the annual World Tin Bath Championship - Castletown
13 Which French King believed himself to be made out of glass and that if he moved he would fall to pieces - Charles V1
14 What are the religious group the Carmelites known as - White Friars
15 In which of his films did Elvis Presley sing Mean Woman Blues - Loving You
16 Dorchester Heights is a historic district of which US city - Boston
17 In which country is the world Heritage Site of Cuzco - Peru
18 Which half of a famous duo duetted with Cliff Richard on She Means Nothing To Me in 1983 - Phil Everly
19 Where was a speed record of 11.2mph set in 1972 - The Moon (John Young of Apollo 16 driving the Lunar Rover!)
20 The United States have many law enforcement agencies FBI, CIA, Homeland Security etc but what do the initials DEA in a law enforcement context stand for - Drug Enforcement Administration

General Knowledge 33

General Knowledge

Quiz 33
1 RETARD A COTTONMOUTH (anagram of a place in London) - Tottenham Court Road
2 If you were given Huitres in a French restaurant what would you get - Oysters
3 Which American President had a summer retreat at Kennebunkport - George W Bush
4 What does the hospital patient admission abbreviation BIBA mean - Brought In By Ambulance
5 In fashion what does VPL stand for - Visible Panty Line
6 Which Irish county is divided into ridings - Tipperary
7 What is the name of Barbie doll's English friend - Stacey
8 Corporals Henshaw and Barbella reported to which sergeant - Bilko
9 Who wrote A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Mark Twain
10 Which film used the tag line Man Has Made His Match...Now It's His Problem. - Blade Runner
11 Which Australian city stands on the Port Jackson Inlet - Sydney
12 What was the former name of the country now known as Ghana - The Gold Coast
13 What colour are American school buses - Yellow
14 By what name do we know Allen Konigsberg - Woody Allen
15 According to Zoopla what is the most common road name in the UK - High Street
16 What is the collective noun for orangutans - Buffoonery
17 According to folklore, which animal became extinct because it was thrown off the ark and drowned - Unicorn
18 A Vision Clearance Executive was recently voted the stupidest job title is better known as what - Window Cleaner
19 By what name is The Collegiate Church of Saint Peter better known - Westminster Abbey
20 In gardening what are thumbs and long toms - Plant pots

General Knowledge 32

General Knowledge

Quiz 32 
1 A CROWD VISIT CHINA (anagram of something to eat) - Victoria sandwich
2 Who wrote the 1966 comic novel The Virgin Soldiers - Leslie Thomas
3 What is the currency of Poland - Zloty
4 What relation to you is your father's brother - Uncle
5 How did Lorena Bobbitt make the headlines in 1993 - Cut off her husband's penis
6 Which cartoon character was regularly stoked by Jones the Steam - Ivor The Engine
7 What is the main alcohol used in a Bellini - Prosecco
8 What is considered to be the cowboy capital of America - Dodge City
9 What disease is called the English disease by the French and the French disease by the English - Syphilis
10 Who became the Metropolitan Police Forces first female commissioner in February 2017 - Cressida Dick
11 What English word contains the combination of letters: "xop" - Saxophone
12 Who played Faith Addis in the comedy drama Down to Earth - Pauline Quirke
13 In which South American country was the film Romancing The Stone mostly set - Colombia
14 Established in 1386, which is the oldest university in Germany - Heidelberg
15 Which motor manufacturer make the Touareg - Volkswagen
16 Complete the proverb The more you have - The more you want
17 What did a 2010 publicity-driven competition called the Carbuncle Cup focus on in Britain - Architecture
18 What did Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow name his cat following a vote on Twitter - Order
19 How many ships did Nelson's fleet lose at Trafalgar - None
20 In 1685 The Earl of Argyll what the last man in Britain to be executed by which method - Guillotine

General Knowledge 31

General Knowledge

Quiz 31
1 AND I REST AS A RULE (anagram of a book and a film) - Treasure Island
2 At which circuit is the French Grand Prix held - Magny-Cours
3 Which 1981 TV series was set in a Japanese prison camp for women - Tenko
4 How is Black Rod received when he approaches the House of Commons - Door is slammed in his face
5 In which ocean is Tahiti - Pacific
6 How many tiles are at there in a Double-12 set of dominoes - Ninety one
7 Who was the busty blonde female star of the 50's musical film The Girl Can't Help It - Jayne Mansfield
8 At which sport would you compete for the Mayleigh Trophy - Pistol shooting
9 What part of the banana is used to make banana oil - None banana oil is a synthetic compound made from coal
10 Which sauce made from ham drippings and coffee and seen in the cuisine of the Southern United States gets its name from its appearance like that of a certain body organ - Red-eye gravy
11 Roger McGuinn, David Crosby, Gene Clark, Chris Hillman and Mike Clarke were the original members of which successful American band - The Byrds
12 What is the state capital of Colorado - Denver
13 Who founded the country of Taiwan in 1949 (it was then called Formosa) - Chiang Kai-Shek
14 Who told us that Sheena Was a Punk Rocker in 1977 - The Ramones
15 Who was the commentator who uttered the unforgettable line, "They think it's all over, it is now" - Kenneth Wolstenholme
16 The American presidential inauguration ceremony is held in front of which building - Capitol
17 Complete the proverb (Needs must) - When the devil drives
18 What did Jane Reeves and Peri Gilpin (Daphne and Roz in Frasier) call their production company - Bristol Cities
19 Which organization in the US was founded by Clara Barton - American Red Cross
20 What is the nickname of the A 830 trunk road - The Road to the Isles

General Knowledge 30

General Knowledge

Quiz 30

1 AVENGE WAR HORSE (anagram of a former English football international) - Owen Hargreaves
2 Egg, Barcelona, Ball and Korum are all types of which item of furniture - Chair
3 What is the most popular luxury chosen by people appearing on Desert Island Discs - Piano
4 After returning from an elephant hunt in Botswana, who was sacked as honorary president of the Spanish branch of the WWF - King Juan Carlos of Spain
5 What is the most popular jukebox song of all time - Crazy (Patsy Cline)
6 In 1982, Time Magazine's "Man of the Year" was neither a man, nor a woman. What was it - The Computer
7 What was the first commodity to be rationed in the UK during WW2 - Petrol
8 What was the make and model of the aircraft that crashed during an air-show in Shoreham-by-Sea, England, killing 11 people in 2015 - Hawker Hunter
9 Which singer said, "If I had as many love affairs as you have given me credit for, I would now be speaking to you from a jar in the Harvard Medical School" - Frank Sinatra
10 What was the more common name of the WW1 third battle of Ypres - Passchendaele
11 What was the name of Alistair MacLean's ice station - Zebra
12 The Bill Shankly Stand can be found at which football club's ground - Preston North End
13 What unit of power is defined as a derived unit of 1 joule per second - Watt
14 What was the name of the Victorian medical drama series in the nineties that starred Jemma Redgrave - Bramwell
15 The Left Bank generally refers to the left bank of which river - Seine
16 What was the name of the boutique opened by fashion designer Jeff Banks in London in 1964 - Clobber
17 What does the medical term Hydrosis mean - Sweating
18 Which multi-award-winning eighties film is considered to have included the biggest ever crowd of extras - Gandhi (over 300,000 for the funeral scene)
19 What is the current name of the product that was originally sold as Chemgrass - Astroturf
20 In the Northampton area in the sixties what was a bottle of spruce - Lemonade

General Knowledge 29

General Knowledge

Quiz 29
1 THUMB ON EURO (anagram of an English town) - Bournemouth
2 Who was nicknamed the Bouncing Czech - Robert Maxwell
3 What are you suffering from if you have graphospasms - Writer's cramp
4 What is the proper name for TNT - Trinitrotoluene
5 In 2002, who was the first athlete to win FHM's Sexiest Woman in the World award - Anna Kournikova
6 In which city is the Rembrandt Museum and The Rijksmuseum - Amsterdam
7 Which well-known radio comedian played the headmaster William Wakefield in the third Carry On film Carry On Teacher - Ted Ray
8 What is the herb in the green sauce associated with jellied eels - Parsley
9 Well she was just seventeen, you know what I mean (name the song these lyrics are from) - I Saw Her Standing There – Beatles
10 Cartomancy is fortune-telling using what - Playing cards
11 What is the largest and heaviest flighted bird in the UK - Mute swan
12 Which piece of kit was made compulsory wear by FIFA In 1990 - Shin pads
13 Which toy manufacturer produces the Connect 4 game - Hasbro
14 Which two-time world snooker champion died at the age of 61 on 24th July 2010 - Alex Higgins
15 In computing what does IPA stand for - Internet Protocol Address
16 What is the most common man’s name in the Bible--shared by 32 people in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament - Zachariah
17 Who played the part of disreputable antique dealer Lovejoy in the TV series of the same name - Ian McShane
18 Which TV detective pioneered designer stubble - Sonny Crocket
19 In which country was newsreader George Alagiah born - Sri Lanka
20 Hastings Banda was the first Prime Minister of which African country - Malawi

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