General Knowledge 33

General Knowledge

Quiz 33
1 RETARD A COTTONMOUTH (anagram of a place in London) - Tottenham Court Road
2 If you were given Huitres in a French restaurant what would you get - Oysters
3 Which American President had a summer retreat at Kennebunkport - George W Bush
4 What does the hospital patient admission abbreviation BIBA mean - Brought In By Ambulance
5 In fashion what does VPL stand for - Visible Panty Line
6 Which Irish county is divided into ridings - Tipperary
7 What is the name of Barbie doll's English friend - Stacey
8 Corporals Henshaw and Barbella reported to which sergeant - Bilko
9 Who wrote A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Mark Twain
10 Which film used the tag line Man Has Made His Match...Now It's His Problem. - Blade Runner
11 Which Australian city stands on the Port Jackson Inlet - Sydney
12 What was the former name of the country now known as Ghana - The Gold Coast
13 What colour are American school buses - Yellow
14 By what name do we know Allen Konigsberg - Woody Allen
15 According to Zoopla what is the most common road name in the UK - High Street
16 What is the collective noun for orangutans - Buffoonery
17 According to folklore, which animal became extinct because it was thrown off the ark and drowned - Unicorn
18 A Vision Clearance Executive was recently voted the stupidest job title is better known as what - Window Cleaner
19 By what name is The Collegiate Church of Saint Peter better known - Westminster Abbey
20 In gardening what are thumbs and long toms - Plant pots

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