General Knowledge 35

General Knowledge

Quiz 35
1 MEERCAT READY FOR BIG SHOT (anagram of a well-known novel) - The Mayor of Casterbridge
2 What is a wickerwork fishing basket called - Creel
3 What did Sir Laurence Olivier put in Dustin Hoffman's mouth in the film The Marathon Man - Dentist's drill
4 Anderson shelters were named after Sir John Anderson, what government post did he hold at the time - Home Secretary
5 A la limousine is a method of cooking which vegetable - Red cabbage
6 Which mobile phone company changed its name to T Mobile - One 2 One
7 What happens in the game of Monopoly when you throw three successive doubles - Go to Jail
8 In which Australian city is the WACA cricket ground - Perth
9 Who was the astrologer on Breakfast Time TV - Russell Grant
10 Which luxury did Esther Rantzen choose on Desert Island Discs - Bath salts
11 What was American philanthropist James Buchanan Brady known as - Diamond Jim
12 Which Isle of Man resort hosts the annual World Tin Bath Championship - Castletown
13 Which French King believed himself to be made out of glass and that if he moved he would fall to pieces - Charles V1
14 What are the religious group the Carmelites known as - White Friars
15 In which of his films did Elvis Presley sing Mean Woman Blues - Loving You
16 Dorchester Heights is a historic district of which US city - Boston
17 In which country is the world Heritage Site of Cuzco - Peru
18 Which half of a famous duo duetted with Cliff Richard on She Means Nothing To Me in 1983 - Phil Everly
19 Where was a speed record of 11.2mph set in 1972 - The Moon (John Young of Apollo 16 driving the Lunar Rover!)
20 The United States have many law enforcement agencies FBI, CIA, Homeland Security etc but what do the initials DEA in a law enforcement context stand for - Drug Enforcement Administration

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